Sunday, June 8, 2014 Earth is a Lower Consciousness Planet I - TopicsExpress


Sunday, June 8, 2014 Earth is a Lower Consciousness Planet I guess when we are living in a lower consciousness level– on a lower consciousness planet… that we wouldn’t even be able to keep Jesus’ teachings on it, that he taught. Because lower consciousness Beings such as the early Romans of the Roman Catholic Church… burned mostly all of it. And then used it for their gain to stay in power by editing what was left. But you see? That’s what happens on lower consciousness planets. :) Even in mysticism, it teaches there are millions of other planets in our universe with life form living on it. And many of these planets being higher consciousness planets than our own. And there are even planets at the same level of consciousness as ours and even lower, believe it or not. Because our Universe is the size of infinity, is why. It goes on forever! And it’s even taught in mysticism that planet Earth was known as planet Dark Star by all the other higher consciousness planets in our universe – who were either able to visit our planet or just observe our planet from a far. By just seeing there wasn’t much LIGHT coming from it. So today in our day and time we are living at a considerably higher level of consciousness then we ever have. We have come a long way from the early Romans throwing live people to lions in a coliseum for entertainment means. And the early Romans actually threw the early followers of Jesus to lions who were called; “followers of the way.” Because these followers of Jesus did not wish to abide by the Roman Catholic Church’s doctrine. So we are actually coming UP higher in consciousness, slowly but surely. As raising your consciousness is something that can only be done on a gradual, slow basis. Of having a little of your CARNAL MIND the ‘EGO’ die daily as Paul taught, Jesus’ beloved disciple; • “I protest by your rejoicing which I have in Christ Jesus our Lord, I die daily” (1Corinthians 15:31). - Paul. • “For to be carnally minded is death; but to be spiritually minded is life and peace. Because the carnal mind is enmity against God: for it is not subject to the law of God, neither indeed can be.” (Romans 8:6,7). - Paul And back 2000 years ago the people were living in a much lower level of consciousness then we are today and would not have been able to grasp such a higher teaching as ‘ego’. So the term ‘carnal mind’ was then given by Jesus and the disciples. Today of us living in a much higher level of consciousness we are able to grasp such a higher teaching of ego – of it being much taught in psychology and therapy in our day and time. And this is then how one goes about raising their consciousness higher; by having a little of your ego die each day as is taught in mysticism found here; askrealjesus/spiritual-realm/basic-teachings-about-the-human-ego. * As was even taught by Albert Einstein; “no problem can be solved from the same level of consciousness that created it.” So raise your consciousness! And quantum physics teaching; “everything is consciousness.” So it is living in your Higher Self the ‘Conscious’ You as opposed to your lower self the ‘Ego’ – when having your ego die *daily*. As our Higher Self (which is our true sense of identity) is actually one with god and our lower self the ego (which is our false sense of identity) is separate from god. Because the ego is not whom you are. Because true reality is actually ‘oneness’ and separation is only an illusion you are living when living in lower levels of consciousness. It’s impossible for anyone to be separate from god. It’s only a ‘figment’ of your imagination is all – when living in lower levels of consciousness. That’s what happens when you fall to lower levels of consciousness – you are no longer living in the ‘AWARENESS’ that all is *ONE*. Your true self is your Higher Self the ‘Conscious’ You – whom is always ONE with god. When seeing everything through your ego’s perception filter – you will then be seeing everything as ‘separation’ as the ego is indeed separate from god. Because the ego is not whom you are, is why. Only your true self of whom you truly are can be ‘one’ with god. And seeing everything through your higher self’s perception of your true self – is seeing everything as ‘oneness’ of what TRUE REALITY truly is. You can see your ego… as you false self trying to masquerade as YOU when it is NOT YOU. It’s your false sense of identity – is whom the ego is. That’s why Jesus’ beloved disciple Paul taught to have his carnal mind the ego die *daily*. Because you can’t have all of your ego die at *once* or you would have a serious identity crisis – of no longer knowing whom you are anymore. You would most likely wind up in a mental hospital, because of it. And thus Paul teaching that he has his ego die *daily*. Of having just a little of your ego die each day – of then not having to worrying about having a very serious ‘identity’ crisis in your life. Of it being quite SAFE to do so. And as also taught in mysticism; you must first be able to identify your ego in the first place before you can ever have it DIE. So the steps being; 1.) Identifying your ego. 2.) Separating yourself from your ego. 3.) Then having your ego die. And thus the link I have already given above, of these teachings found here of mysticism; askrealjesus/spiritual-realm/basic-teachings-about-the-human-ego. And so, FALLING to lower levels of consciousness, below the 48th level as taught in mysticism – has you living in an ‘illusion’ of separation from god. And living in higher levels of consciousness of the 48th level and above, has you then living in the awareness of ‘oneness’ with god. And thus the benefit of choosing to raise your consciousness higher – of no longer living in an illusion of separation from god! But living in the AWARENESS of being ONE with god of US always being ONE with god! And also gaining much *LIGHT* in the process – of what is actually called the process of “self-transcendence.” Transcending the person you were BEFORE to becoming MORE! And thus how one raises their consciousness higher! So slowly and gradually as a PEOPLE we can come UP higher in consciousness to eventually be living in the *AWARENESS* of oneness with god (LOVE) – as opposed to the ILLUSION of separation (EGO) from god. And in doing so, we could eventually have a ONE WORLD *DEMOCRATIC* GOVERNMENT of having WORLD PEACE. :D Peace! :) And it is possible when the WORLD chooses to *WAKE UP* of longer wishing to be ASLEEP in their lives of *DREAMING* they are actually separate from god (LOVE)! Of then becoming LOVE themselves of now living in the AWARENESS of oneness with god (LOVE). • “He that loveth not knoweth not God; for God is love” (1John 4:8). “And we have known and believed the love that God hath to us. God is love; and he that dwelleth in love dwelleth in God, and God in him.” (1John 4:16). - John • “…That ye love one another; as I have loved you, that ye also love one another” (John 13:34). - Jesus. Wishing Everyone a great Saturday night! And lots of LOVE!!! Love, Denise. :D • “But as touching brotherly love ye need not that I write unto you: for ye yourselves are taught of God to love one another.” (1 Thessalonians 4:9). - Paul
Posted on: Sun, 08 Jun 2014 04:46:39 +0000

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