Sunday Message 11/17/13- John 20:19-28- Title: When Jesus Is In - TopicsExpress


Sunday Message 11/17/13- John 20:19-28- Title: When Jesus Is In Church- Many people attend Church but Jesus is not there. You can enter many church buildings and find people there but the doctrines, ordinances and order that God designed to be in His house are nowhere to be found. In the Old Testament (Exodus 25-27) tabernacle we see God designed the furnishings in the tabernacle to declare that He was dwelling in the midst of His people. the same is true with a Scriptural New Testament Church, Jesus established and delivered the teachings, ordinances and order that should be in place that declare it is an assembly that He authorizes and honors with His presence. When Jesus is in Church you will always miss something for your life when you are not there. I call as my witness Thomas; in these verses of John chapter 20 We see that Jesus honored this assembly with His presence because this was the Church that He established, it Had the proper founder(Jesus), history(traced their heritage back to Jesus), teachings(what Jesus delivered), ordinances(baptism by immersion, Lord,s supper), order and commission. when Jesus is in church its in the best interest for your life that you be there. Things you experience when Jesus is in church... 1 Peace-vs.19- tranquility, exemption from rage and havoc of war. you need Gods peace because there is war going on for your mind and body, Jesus gives you peace from His house through His word. 2. Clarification- vs. 20- Those who were at Church clearly saw Jesus, He showed Himself to them. Jesus clarifies life and gives clear direction in His house if you pay attention to what He shows you of Himself. 3. Inspiration-vs.22- He breathed on them, God breathed, is inspiration, He inspired them to repent, release(forgive) yield up, and to carry out the Gospel to the world; you experience inspiration when you are in church where Jesus is. 4. Confirmation-vs.24:28- When Jesus is in Church He confirms to you that His word is true. Doubts are removed, His word confirms when you are wrong His word confirms when you are right, His word confirms that He is real. It is best for your life to get in a Church where Jesus is.
Posted on: Mon, 18 Nov 2013 07:00:35 +0000

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