Sunday Morning Service. Yina. Rev. M.k Antyev. Sunday Morning - TopicsExpress


Sunday Morning Service. Yina. Rev. M.k Antyev. Sunday Morning Service. Yina. Rev. M.k Antyev. 11/2/2014 7:40 AM Texts: Matt.7:13-14, Luke 13:24, John 14:6. A man was traveling and met an old woman and seek direction from her, the old woman gave him an instruction, on getting there he couldnt follow the instructions that were given to him and met his doom. This young man was asked to dip himself in a dirty pool of water, but on reaching there he did the opposite. So is the way of Jesus. The road is narrow that leads to eternal life, the broad way(dirty pool) leads to destruction. I have my life to live, no one tells me what to do with my life, but the end there off is destruction, no one checks the people on this route, they do what they want, no one also checks their appetite, but the end is destruction. Jesus is still the same today, and for ever, you most be checked on the narrow path, is like a man thats wants to travel abroad, you most be checked before you travel. Jesus is the only way, you cant bye pass me and get to God, through him, all your sin are rendered value less, Jesus is the screening machine why are you still wallowing in your sins. But many are still traveling the broad pathway, may God help us to be one of the few persons that will follow the narrow way, Jesus is saying ; I am the way, the truth and the life, no one comes to the father except through me. The new life is better, if you are coming to Jesus you most put em away, that is how the narrow way feels, but the end is destruction. No matter how good, beautiful the narrow way(devils way) they are but vain things. When you start struggling with sin, you see many are doing it, know ye that that leads to destruction, the way that leads to life is never easy, He never said the way will be easy, but He said I will be with you. But when the Holy spirit is upon you, you will always find it interesting. 1John 1:7. Brethren there are two pools ahead of us to deep ourselves in, one is physically unclean,but cleanses you as white as snow, the other is physically clean but makes you miss the kingdom of heaven. Listen to instructions and be saved. Jesus is the screening machine, you can never carry anything the world offers you through that screening machine. God help us all. Go to church. Good Morning.
Posted on: Sun, 02 Nov 2014 07:34:44 +0000

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