Sunday! Normally Venue Meeting day for eBIZ associates. Few eye - TopicsExpress


Sunday! Normally Venue Meeting day for eBIZ associates. Few eye opening points: 1. No guest should be taken to venue meeting directly. Right sequence is One-to-one presentation -> board presentation -> venue presentation. 2. eBIZ / Network Marketing is not a Seminar Based Business (SBB), its a Home Based Business (HBB). 3. Too frequent venue meetings dont give associates time to work by themselves (showing 1-to-1 to personal guests), create dependency, and financial pressure (pass cost, travel) on associates. Once a month is fine. 4. Senior leaders organizing venue meets should disclose a clear account statements to their downlines. Amount collected through pass payment, amount spent for expenses. Any extra amount should be used for social causes, with full disclosure to downlines. Making personal financial profit from venue meetings is illegal & a bad example for downlines. 5. Instead of motivating downlines to take their guests in seminars, focus on taking your personal guests (after 1-o-1 & board meeting). Lead by example, stop being a hypocrite. 6. An ideal testimony is sharing your story in simple format - how your life was before joining ebiz, how life has changed after joining. It must be genuine, not a made up story. 7. If you are giving testimony in every seminar but having same group size & no earning, stop it. Start working on personal guests, self sponsor, earn then return to stage with results. 8. Wrap up venue meeting within 3 hours. (From the time Guest enters to guest leaves for home). 9. Start on time. No matter what. Dont allow late comers to enter. Be strict. Either theyll correct themselves or quit. Thats best for you. You dont need unprofessional people in your team. 10. After the seminar (infact after any presentation) Give your prospect resources on eBIZ/ Network Marketing (zero cost examples: internet links or transfer to their mobile website, articles, audio, video etc) 11. If you are inviting any student, ask them to bring their parents. If you are inviting anyone married, ask them to bring their spouse. It will make the whole process easier. 12. If at the end of the meeting most prospect says: It was great! But I dont think I can do it, then the meeting fails. If they say: Yes! It was great! I think I can do it!, then the meeting is a success. 13. You and your guests must understand that being a great public speaker is not the pre-requisite for success in eBIZ. Its the side effect of being successful in eBIZ. 14. Make sure information given in venue meetings is exactly as given in ebizel. If not, ask your uplines politely why the difference. 15. Dont participate in the comparison game. Learn & take inspiration from everyone, but dont let others results discourage you. In this industry, many who reached high income quick disappeared soon. Again, many who took some time to get success, stayed in the industry lifelong, becoming worldwide inspiration. So just make sure, you are giving your best. Dare to write your own story. Run your own race. More on: Sourav Ghosh.
Posted on: Sun, 11 May 2014 03:10:04 +0000

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