Sunday Study: (Please make time to read the Scriptures...its for - TopicsExpress


Sunday Study: (Please make time to read the Scriptures...its for ur growth and Benefit in Christ) Gods Real Holy Days part 9 Misunderstood & Twisted Texts As we have already established from the beginning, the First 5 Books in our Bibles is called the Law(Torah). It is also referred to as the Book of the Law and the Law of Moses. If anyone thinks to add to or diminish ought from that Word/Law, they will be found a liar according to Proverbs 30:5-6 & Deut.12:32 ; and will be placed in the order of being least (in the negative) in our Gods site.Matt.5:17-19. But on the Contrary, He has commanded us to keep His Statutes, and Judgments; so that we may observe His Commandments, fully. Deut.4:1-2. Ps.89:26-34, Mal.3:6, Eccles.3:14. These texts have been used by various Churches for 160 years to accuse Seventh Day Adventists of legalism. Now, SDAs are using the same texts to accuse feast- keepers of legalism! The index to the writings of Sister White does not contain any comments on Galatians 4:10 or Colos.2:16-17. Our belief that the seven Holy Convocations which form part of YHWHs Holy Feast days, and which we have called “ceremonial sabbaths”, were nailed to the cross; is based on the opinions of men, not on the Scriptures nor on the Inspired writings of Sister White. It is impossible to understand these texts, without understanding Yehovahs Feasts, nor the Authors writings, or whom he was and what he did, will be a grave injustice for your Scriptural comprehension. e.g. Is.8:20, 2Tim.4:2-4, 2Pet.3:16-17* . So, lets look at them, and prove them fully as Students(disciples) of Yeshua Ha Meshiach. Acts 17:11. Ephesians 2:11-22 (spec.vv.12-15) Paul is speaking to the Church of Ephesus here on the matter of the Law pertaining to Civility toward Israels heathen neighbors. e.g. Gen.27:29, Matt.5:43-44. Due to heathen practices that had/have been known to lead YHWHs People astray; He gave them strict regulations for their dealings with them...! Deut.7:1-6. Yet, on the other hand, those Strangers(foreigners) that walked with Israel and had done that which was right in YHWHs site through circumcision(the type of Baptism), were accepted into the ranks of Israel as one born of the Nation. Ex.12:43-49. To try to presumptuously misconstrue Eph.2 to be referring to the Holy Days or Statutes in general, conflicts with Pauls other writings about His Observance with the Ephesians on Pentecost (which is: The Feast of Weeks), in 1Cor.16:8. Race was not the issue here, but nationality, due to what occurred through the dispersion from the Tower of Babel. Gen.11:1-9. As we can see all about our world today, all kinds of religions, and thus all kinds of confusion for our Dear Brethren in the Faith to contend with- in this Great Controversy between our God and the Devil, over our souls. Our God has given commands by His Spirit in the Newer Covenant pertaining to whom and what is clean & right and what is not, for true communion with the Saints. 1Cor.5:9-13, 2Cor.6:14-18. Even as YHWHs intent was to keep the people separate from other nations, it was for their own good, lest they be led to worship their useless gods. Deut.7. Thus after this, due to the carnal heart and the lack of foresight, did the Jews(fleshly Israel) grow in National and Racial Pride, in-the-which we can see now in our time, its prominence amongst Orthodox Jews and racial separatists of every sort; even amongst so-called peaceful religions. Yeshua came to break that enmity(hatred), hostility, & opposition, through His Blood on the Cross for all mankind alike. Acts 17:24-30, Gal.3:28-29.That is why when we see Yah calling the Gentiles through the Apostle Peter in Acts 10- 11, this was something completely foreign for a Jew to go into and especially dine in a Gentiles wasnt heard of! Yet, nevertheless, as we do know, this is what had been already called for in the Law and the Prophets (Deut.4:5- 6, Is.60:1-5), and confirmed, as well as reiterated in the Great Commission. Matt.28:16- 20(All Nations), Acts 1:8. And thus that wall of separation, with its fleshly ordinances therein, have been dissolved & made null and void; as all have & are being called to the Faith. And, when receiving Yeshua as their Yehovah and Saviour, all that receive Him, are accepted into the family as His Children and made One in the Body of Messiah (Christ). John 1:12, Acts 2;21,38, Gal.3:28-29, Acts 11:18.
Posted on: Sun, 08 Jun 2014 12:06:03 +0000

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