Sunshine Cathedral Mcc: Daily Spirit & Truth - TopicsExpress


Sunshine Cathedral Mcc: Daily Spirit & Truth Reflection. Tuesday, Sept. 9 On this day in 1942 Japan dropped incendiaries over Oregon in an attempt to set fire to the forests in Oregon and Washington. The forests did not ignite. seeking within Deacon Margarita Rodriguez “Don’t push density; work on the invisible through prayer.” Jennifer Hadley When we have a situation that takes away our inner peace we tend to work it on the physical level first and if things don’t improve then we may go to prayer. Jennifer Hadley, a teacher of A Course in Miracles, calls trying to make things happen through our human efforts without seeking our connection with All That Is “pushing density.” The invitation is to first seek in prayer the connection with Divine Love and as we move to the physical level our solutions will come forth and our peace will be restored as we are One. I am one with Divine Love! Today I choose to not push density but to know that peace abides in me.
Posted on: Tue, 09 Sep 2014 11:46:25 +0000

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