Super Heroes are pretty thin on the ground in the central west of - TopicsExpress


Super Heroes are pretty thin on the ground in the central west of NSW. They tend to hang out in places like Gotham City..(I think that near Goulburn). But for many years Trundle has harboured a cape crusader that tends to fly under the radar. Building cabinets by day, our mild mannered hero modestly goes about his business structuring kitchens for the general public, all the while keeping an ear to the ground for villainous trouble, or more so his particular favourite, a damsel in distress. The trademark distraction from detection of a superhero has always been to have an alter ego. Trundle’s defender of decency is fleetingly seen and admired as Super Sam, but he walks amongst men in general public, going cleverly undetected about his business known to all as just Sam Bolam. No one has ever seen the two in the same room but yet no one has been clever enough to make a link. But the global financial crisis has taken its toll on all facets of employment and even those that have a superpower on their CV have not been immune to the downturn. So Super Sam has primarily shelved (cabinet maker pun), his powers waiting for the right moment of maximum moral impact and appreciation. In super hero world that would generally manifest itself as a direct threat to humanity or at the very least the threat of closure of some basic services to a small village in central west NSW. But thankfully for our chisel wielding hero there was a much more dire directive from those that paid for his powers. You see Super Sam’s local football side had been cruising through the later stages of round two of the Woodbridge Cup. While this was the idea of being a football team, the ease of which the Trundle Boomers had been winning was becoming a little blasé for those that showed at Berryman stadium hoping to escape the drudgery of their lives. There was an expectation that Saturdays clash with the Grenfell Goannas was going to be more of the same. Coach Sense was at his wits end. While he had taken his charges to unknown levels of success he now faced a backlash and retribution from an unexpected quarter. The people of Trundle were suffering from Tall Boomer Syndrome. Where could he turn? While Coach Sense rocked back and forth in the foetal position, Cabinet Maker Sam slowly went about a non-descript pre-game ritual that only had one significant component. For when Cabinet Maker Sam applied deep heat, only then does he become Super Sam! The weather was warm at Berryman Stadium but the crowd was icily silent as the siren sounded game on. With just 3 minutes registering on the big screen the ever present Nik Harris sauntered over to take first honours for the Boomers. Sniper took no time in adding the extras but Grenfell were quick in reply and soon had things squared up at 6 a piece. Coach Sense was next to promote the score line but Sniper’s scope was busted and the score remained at 10-6. Grenfell once again proved they were not about to lay down and actually took the lead with their back rowers successful conversion. But while the tries kept coming the football was hardly inspiring with dropped balls and lacking any sort of attacking flare. Macca was trying his best to lift the standard of play and was rewarded with a try. Ryan Porter doesn’t like to let a half of football go by without scoring and his was converted by replacement goal kicker Magic Mika. But Trundle failed to put the clamps on Grenfell and they posted their third converted try to keep themselves well into the game. All this was nothing the crowd hadn’t seen before and they began to turn their attention elsewhere. Some started a game of tennis while other played board games and cards. Another large group had started a game of French cricket. The Boomers needed to bring something new to the second half to ignite the crowd. While most of the Boomers sucked down oranges and dodged the spray of Coach Sense, Sam B was nonchalantly applying an even lather of deep heat. Time to put Cabinet Maker Sam aside for awhile. Trundle needed a super hero. It took about 6 minutes into the second half before the deep heat kicked in. Sam took a loose pass on his own 20m line and it wasn’t til he got to the halfway before any of the crowd had noticed the burly front rower in space and gaining momentum. By the time he had reached the 75m line the French cricket had ceased and the monopoly board had been overturned and as he crossed for his first try for the season the crowd went up as one to hail the saviour of football support in Trundle. Mike Hando crossed soon after like all good backs should but a front rower should rest on his laurels after scoring one try (Prop Porter did). Not Super Sam. He showed the ball a number of times, goose stepped and waltzed in for his second for the day. By this stage they were selling Super Sam merchandise at the canteen and every member of the crowd watched Sam’s every move. All the Boomers wanted to get a slice of the crowd admiration and there were further tries to Coach, Ryan, Macca and Porter Pork. Damo Fairliegh was on song with the boot plotting five from six attempts. But the crowd erupted when Super Sam chipped and chased, regathered brushed off four defenders and put his third for the day under the posts. Just to rub salt into his mate’s wounds he showed him how to kick goals by converting his own. The hooter sounded and the crowd swamped the field and chair lifted their hero to the sheds as the scoreboard registered Trundle’s emphatic 70-24 win over the Goannas. Sammy B obviously took the honours for the day with Macca and Ryan Porter the minor placings. Ten things you never knew about Sam. • Besides being an avid hunter Sam is actually a vegan. • Sam refuses to waste an hour of life and rises as 4:30 and wont see a pillow til well after midnight. • Sam is a speech writer for Labour’s Anthony Albanese. • Sam spends the first 40 mins before dawn performing Yoga. • Sam has no left side collar bone. • Sam works weekends at the pub to raise funds for a small orphanage that he has established in Sudan. • Sam works tirelessly to promote his not for profit organistion Cabinet Makers for Cats.
Posted on: Fri, 16 Aug 2013 03:46:02 +0000

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