Superiority complex, Inferiority complex and Narcissism. -Swapnil - TopicsExpress


Superiority complex, Inferiority complex and Narcissism. -Swapnil Mande Prakash says he is going to change his way of life, he wants to leave his current job and also wants to shift to another city. This sudden change in his thoughts made me more curious. Few months back he was happy with his livings and also with his current occupation. After asking him why he thought so, he told the things recently happened in his life. After listening to that I went to deep thinking. It brought me into root of the cause to the problem. I tried to define it in three simple words. In his story, It was clearly stating that he has been the victim of contemptuous treatment by a person, to whom Prakash gave lot of importance in his life. And in very little time he got the feeling of being ill treated by that person. Why this happened? What was that which made him feel like that? After listening to few incidences, I found that he is being deeply hurt. So currently he is suffering from a problem called ‘Inferiority complex’. Now whenever he come across any situation he gets feeling of inadequacy and not worthy of being there. Being such a successful and self confident person in the past, what was that which was making him feel like that? You may have found out where the problem lies by now. Wait! Do not conclude anything now. There are few more angles of the situation. We need to see how that person treated Prakash. After looking some incidences I came to know that person is going through ‘Superiority Complex’. Superiority complex is the type of complex which is developed when a person who suffers from inferiority complex and decides to act superior in order to MASK his inferiority. In this situation that person claims that he is more important and his opinion is always better than others. Superiority complex is direct result of an underlying inferiority complex and he tries to compensate it by moving in the opposite direction which is acting superior. They continues to try proving them self right and perfect. The problem with superiority complex is that even though the person knows that he feels inferior deep within still he acts arrogantly. Further this ego leads to make this person in a personality disorder called ‘Narcissism’ in which a person falls in love with himself. Narcissist person gets into exaggerated sense of self worth, he thinks that he is better than others and he is superior and also that he is invulnerable. Symptoms of Narcissism can be elaborated as follows. Narcissist strives for attention. Exaggerating his worth, he thinks he is omnipotent and invincible. He always talks about how brilliant he is compared to others. Most importantly he lacks in empathy. Most narcissist care only about their own feelings and they lack empathy when it comes to dealing with others. They take advantage of others or use them just to secure their personal ambitions. Narcissist expects others to deal with him according to his exaggerated valuation of his self image. Narcissist is obsessed with fantasies of unlimited success, superiority, ultimate achievements, tremendous strength and everlasting fame. Narcissist people are more worried about their image in society and always try to pretend accordingly. They are no more in tendency to accept their fault even if they know it is their fault. So the problem with Prakash was that the narcissist person was continuously showing how he knows everything, how whatever he thinks is right only. Many times narcissist person gives treatment of contempt to others, so it was happening to Prakash which was making him hurt day by day. Prakash is a kind of emotional person. He has never asked for any favour from anyone. He has successfully maintained his self respect at particular point. But being treated with contemptuous and over expressing superiority by that person was leaving Prakash into feeling of disgust and that behaviour was hampering his self respect because he was emotionally attached with that person and since few days he was only trying to maintain good relation with that person. As stated above narcissist person lack in empathy while dealing with others, Prakash was getting hurt day by day. Ultimately it led into feeling of disgust and also it brought into so called inferiority complex with many reasons. These feelings of inferiority took over his personal life and also prevented him from functioning normally. Now if we look at Prakash’s situation, we cannot say that only this situation was a reason to bring him into Inferiority complex. We have to look at his past to analyse why he went into inferiority complex. In both Superiority and inferiority complexes, there is a single particular reason. In fact inferiority complex is ultimately resulting to superiority complex. And superior complex leads to Narcissism when it is not properly tackled in time. The reason behind these complexes is they people is deeply wounded in past. When someone is abused or when he experiences some kind of a trauma, his/her mind tries to find out a method to help him/her forget about his/her wounds. And as a method of defence narcissism is developed. Feeling that he/she is weak, insecure & vulnerable, he/she escapes to a new identity. An identity of a superior person who cannot be harmed. This is the story of most narcissists. A deep sense of inferiority that is MASKED by a solid shell. The narcissist wants to be fared, he wants to be ultimately strong, he wants to have tremendous achievement because he/she is afraid, because he/she is very weak & because he/she thinks that he/she is worthless. It is a game of compensation; people always strive to get what they lack. If you are after ultimate power you are dramatically weak & if you are after excessive admiration then you are feeling worthless. In this story one’s superiority complex led into weakening other’s morale. Prakash’s deep wound got touched by narcissist and he has gone into inferiority complex. If proper cautions are not taken by Prakash, ultimately he will try to protect him by a shell of self exaggerating his worth and will try to put efforts to prove him superior over other. This developing ego will lead him to a personality disorder called ‘Narcissism’. And also he may do the same what his beloved did with him and the cycle will continue. For keeping personal balance, narcissist must get over this disorder. First thing he/she should do is to direct himself to find out his unhealed wound. And he/she must put efforts to getting over wound and not anywhere else. For that reason you felt insecured and that’s why you have built this shield to protect your true self. This is the time where you should collect your courage to look beneath this shield because this is the only way to personal balance. I know that part of yourself worth is based on yourself achievements and I know that you posses some special abilities and that’s why you should have no problem in facing your real self and in healing your wounded inner child. So explore your wounds, deal with them and let go off your shield. The truth is that you are neither superior nor inferior to anyone else. You are only you. You are life living within a body. You have your strengths & weaknesses and each of these serves life. And when people get together & share with one another the truth of themselves, they become one in the same way that two puzzle pieces fit together. Strength & weakness balance out and become wholeness. There is no basis for comparison. Don’t be mastered by your strengths of separation. They are not true. Life is one. Information collected by Swapnil Mande (Note- Information is collected from different sources. There is no intension of to hurt anyone’s feeling. The sole purpose of this collective information is of getting knowledge and act accordingly.)
Posted on: Sun, 24 Aug 2014 17:04:14 +0000

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