[] Supernatural/Action/Adventure. Need two more people max, - TopicsExpress


[] Supernatural/Action/Adventure. Need two more people max, preferably one to play the enemy. It would be great if we could do it in PM. [] They lived in a dystopia where mutants got hunted down and got tested on by the government in order to find a way to make humans gain abilities like them, to get rid of the dirty race. It was unknown when they appeared exactly and the extent of their power, but they did manage to figure out their weakness. Ultraviolet light. It burned their skin severely and drained their energy, making them an easy target. However some were more sensitive than others, and those were mostly caught by the humans already and likely turned into soldiers or test experiments. Violence, rape and murder were a daily occurrence in the world and it was rare that someone even batted an eye at it due to overpopulation. The air was quite polluted and there were hardly any animals left, all extinct or very rare, most of them horribly diseased with illnesses that nobody bothered to look for a cure to. Some mutants lived undercover as normal people, choosing not to use their abilities and risk getting caught, while others rebelled against the law and became criminals, becoming the worlds number one problem. The constant war between humans and mutants didnt seem to be ending any time soon, and neither of the two were about to surrender. _______________________________________________ Grey suitcase in hand, Mina ran through the foul smelling sewers, her nose scrunched and boots padding on the wet ground. The men chasing her fired bullets in a way that almost seemed aimless as they kept missing, making an echo familiar to her ears. The girl didnt even know what the case contained, she had only taken it away from the town guards to spite them and get some adrenaline out of the chase, a sensation that she absolutely loved experiencing. The thrill knowing that you could get caught, something felt so right about doing the wrong thing and there really was no reason for her to respect the law. They were capturing her kind, her friends, and doing who knows what kind of awful things to them. Turning right, she was faced with a dead end. Cursing under her breath, Mina spun around to face the six men that were chasing her. A grin crept up on her face as the shadow she cast on the wall behind her started changing shape, stirring maliciously, the figure looking like a monster more than anything, constantly shifting and flowing smoothly, as if trying to fruitlessly gain a consistent shape. It was then that the figure peeled itself off the wall and darted towards the guards, taking one of them into its clutches and slamming him into a wall with great force while the others tried to shoot it, but the bullets went straight through it. Most of them got killed off easily and it made the girl wonder how they even got recruited. The figure was connected to Mina by her feet and the last remaining man seemed to notice that as he ran towards the girl, aiming his gun, only for it to be yanked to the side when he was lifted up into the air and had his body torn into two pieces with an ear piercing scream that echoed through the halls. She looked away from the gruesome scene with a cringe, clutching the handle of the case tightly. She was never the to remain passive at gruesome scenes, even if it was her own power that had caused it. The shadow lurked back towards her and wrapped itself around her almost lovingly, as if seeking approval from her. The female exhaled and nodded her head, gesturing for the entity to return to its original state, which it did. Blue eyes looking straight forward, she walked into another tunnel and entered a room through a large metal door. It was full of shelves containing various boxes and supplies which the other mutants left there, free for anyone of their kind to take. Placing the suitcase on the wooden table against the wall, she sat down and reached forward to unlock it just as the metal door opened, startling her to her feet. Nobody was supposed to be here, not at this time.
Posted on: Mon, 26 Jan 2015 04:12:17 +0000

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