Surely, the US rulers are the most horrific terrorists in the - TopicsExpress


Surely, the US rulers are the most horrific terrorists in the whole world! US A-Bombed Japan as a Political Act of Mass Murder By J. CORLETT When the US pilot of the plane that dropped an Atomic Bomb on Hiroshima at the end of WW II died in 2007, a spate of letters and articles appeared that he felt no remorse or any guilt in killing over 140,000 innocent Japanese people, because: “It was necessary to end the war without a land invasion of Japan and therefore actually it saved the lives of far more Japanese and Americans.” This was of course a monstrous lie that outdid even the whopper lies told by Hitler himself. That actual fact is that US President Harry Truman at that time ordered the dropping of the Atom Bomb on August 5, 1945 – and a second one three days later on Nagasaki, killing another 110,000 innocent civilians. This was not “the last act of World War II” but rather a well-planned opening of the Cold War against the Soviet Union. The Truman’s Secretary of State at that time, James Byrnes told the A-bomb scientist Leo Szilard the following: “Demonstrating the bomb would make Russia more manageable in post-war Europe” (A Personal History of the A-Bomb by Leo Szilard). This A-bomb not only killed 140,000 residents of Hiroshima instantly, but “The number of people killed directly and after exposure to atomic radiation… has now reached 231,930 people,” as of August 6, 2003. (British journalist John Pilger.) Actually in August of 1945 Japan was already on its knees, and was already suing for peace, and facing a Million Red Army soldiers that swept and liberated the Chinese mainland from the Japanese Army, and they were already prepared to invade Japan itself (after having defeated the Nazis in Europe practically themselves). President Truman himself wrote in hisdiary on July 17, 1945 that when the Soviets entered the Far East War, as Stalin promised to do in August – “Fini Japs when that comes about”. (Truman “Off The Record”) President Truman had already been given decoded Japanese cables, which his diary referred to as “Jap Emperor asking for peace.” Dropping the A-bombs was militarily unnecessary. On March 9, 1945, “100,000 to 200,000 men, women and children died when the US Air Force doused Tokyo with jellied gasoline: all told, in the month before Hiroshima and Nagasaki (conventional bombs) killed over 500,000 in Japanese cities and left 3,000,000 homeless.” (US News &World Report, 7/13/95).That’s why US Air Force General Curtis LeMay complained to Truman that there was nothing left to bomb in Japanese cities except “garbage can targets”. Then General (later President) Dwight Eisenhower told the US Secretary of Sate Stimson that: “Japan was already defeated and that dropping the A-bombs was completely unnecessary – it was no longer mandatory as a measure to save American lives” (Eisenhower. “Mandate for Change.” So, why was the rush to use the A-Bomb? Cleary the Truman administration didn’t want the Japanese to surrender before it was used. On June 6, 1945, Stimson told Truman that he was “fearful”that before the A-bomb was delivered, the US Air Force would have Japan “so bombed out” that the A-bomb “would not have a fair background to show its strength”. For whom was this strength to be shown? Certainly not to Japan which was frantically trying to surrender, the Emperor of Japan was fearful of facing the Soviet Red Army. If the US rulers were so intent on demonstrating the A-Bomb’s power, why did they not pause long enough for Japanese officials to travel to Hiroshima to assess the extent of the damage before the US dropped their other bomb on Nagasaki just three days later, killing another 110,000 innocent civilians? This decision to commit such mass murder in the name of anti-communism was clearly very political. As former Prime Minister Churchill of Britain said after: “We now have something in our hands that will redress the balance with these Russians!” The US ruling class is the only one to have ever used the A-Bomb, killing more than one third of a million innocent people. Surely, the US rulers are the most horrific terrorists in the whole world! (
Posted on: Fri, 12 Jul 2013 15:06:14 +0000

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