Svadhisthana, the second chakra, is situated in the genital - TopicsExpress


Svadhisthana, the second chakra, is situated in the genital region, it has six vermillion lotus petals. The moon-shaped crescent is the yantra of this chakra. The chakra governs the principle of taste, Its element is water.The vital relationship between water and the moon is shown by the crescent yantra within the white circle of the water chakra. The aspects of Svadhisthana chakra are: procreation, family, fantasy. The earth element of Muladhara chakra dissolves into the water element of Svadhisthana chakra. Fantasy enters as the person begins interrelating with family and friends. The inspiration to create begins in the second chakra. The seed mantra is Vam and the vital breath of the chakra is Prana. Above the mantra is seated the presiding deity Vishnu, the lord of preservation, the all-pervading life-force in the universe. Vishnu is in shining dark-blue, and he wears a dhoti of golden yellow. A green silk scarf covers his four arms. He is seated on a pink lotus, four-armed, holding a conch, a mace, a wheel and a lotus. He is ornamented with the crown, jewelled earrings, anklets and wears the wanamala on his neck. Vishnu is seated on the Garuda, the king of birds. Garuda is the concentrated vayu power developed from the highest form of kumbhaka (breath-suspension) which is under full control of Vishnu. Garuda represents the five vayus within us: Apana, Prana, Samana, Udana and Vyana. From the Garuda process has been developed the practice of Uddiyana control, the control of the lower abdomen. By this mean the Great bird of Prana, the life force is constantly forced to fly upward, ascending along Sushumna nadi the central channel. By concentration, control over the five prana forces is increased through the release of Kundalini Power, and consequently pranayama develops. Then Lord Vishnu begins to be awakened.
Posted on: Wed, 12 Jun 2013 22:24:47 +0000

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