Sweet Aroma and a Joyful Noise Equals VICTORY By Scott and Kathy - TopicsExpress


Sweet Aroma and a Joyful Noise Equals VICTORY By Scott and Kathy Evans, 10/23/2014 Greetings In Jesus Name! Isnt Jesus GREAT! We have made it over the top of the week! Isnt it so wonderful that we can pray and praise Him anytime and all the time! We no longer have to wait until the priesthood goes to the Temple to keep the incense burning, and get this; the Alter of Incense was just before the Vail that was torn top to bottom when Jesus Died on Calvary for our Sins! The Perfect Sacrifice! It is said that the incense was a pleasant mixture that arose both morning and evening as an example of our Prayer to Him daily... Isnt it wonderful that we can offer a sacrifice of prayer at anytime knowing it is Pleasing to Him! And even more wonderful is the FACT HE HEARS! HE will answer in His Perfect Time! Im so excited to just KNOW Him... Oh hear me please we have to have and keep Victory! Prayer is just one ingredient needed to accomplish this! Victory is but just one of the many benefits of PRAYER! You can name the rest; it is beyond our very imagination! He has done so very much for each of us and He so wants to do more! You and I are in control of WHAT HE can do for each of us. He will not force His will upon anyone! Remember That Still Soft Voice! I strongly urge each of us to keep a constant fragrance of prayer before Him, by doing this it will keep the enemy of our souls at bay and it will keep us in Tune With Him! A means of communion with Him continually! Exodus 30 6And thou shalt put it before the vail that is by the ark of the testimony, before the mercy seat that is over the testimony, where I will meet with thee. 7 And Aaron shall burn thereon sweet incense every morning: when he dresseth the lamps, he shall burn incense upon it. 8 And when Aaron lighteth the lamps at even, he shall burn incense upon it, a perpetual incense before the LORD throughout your generations. Here is another component which is Pleasing To HIM. PRAISE When we keep a continual praise upon our hearts and lips I can guarantee you that momentum will build and you and I will have no room for negative thoughts or deeds. We will not be so easily focused on the faults we may think we see in others but by employing both Prayer and Praise we will begin to focus inward and self evaluation. You see when we dont pray and praise we leave room for the enemy to employ his evil tactics and to steel our Victory! With Praise and Prayer conviction will be alive within us and help us to navigate the traps and snares that are set to destroy and distract! Our Conscience is a wonderful emotion or tool both conviction and conscience will keep us in check if we allow God to flow through us... and I did say IF... We are in control, that is why God Gave us a will.... We have to make a conscious decision to LIVE and Breath HIM! HEAR me please God Inhabits the Praise of His People and that means where there is PRAISE and PRAYER HE IS SURE TO BE AT YOUR/MY SIDE. ISNT GOD GREAT! Hebrews 13 15 By him therefore let us offer the sacrifice of praise to God continually, that is, the fruit of our lips giving thanks to his name. 16 But to do good and to communicate forget not: for with such sacrifices God is well pleased So Lets Awake Today and purpose in our hearts we are not going to be defeated we are going to be Victorious. We know the Battle is ours! Build our Faith and Trust in HIM! Lets OFFER UP that sweet aroma of Prayer and the beautiful sound of Praise through out this day I Promise you that your day will be much lighter and the bumps and lumps we may encounter will be made small! Build your MOMENTUM LET Your Heart Fill with PRAISE. I promise within just a short amount of time you will find yourself in a dimension few get to enjoy in this world today. We are SO Blessed TO KNOW HIM! Time is Short and the Work is Fast! Lets Be In The Big Middle Of It! God Bless Each and Every One of YOU IN JESUS NAME! TO HIM BELONGS THE GLORY! Love and Prayers... WE ARE GOING TO MAKE IT! WE ARE WINNERS! Scott and Kathy Evans
Posted on: Thu, 23 Oct 2014 06:49:11 +0000

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