Sweet advice from the Cleveland Clinic! Which summer fruit is - TopicsExpress


Sweet advice from the Cleveland Clinic! Which summer fruit is low in sugar, full of nutrition and thirst-quenching? Cantaloupe! July is melon month, so get your melon baller ready! Cantaloupe, honeydew and watermelon (and lesser-known varieties like crenshaw and galia) are all great for you, with high water content, vitamin C and potassium, though cantaloupe has the lowest glycemic index. Watermelon even contains more lycopene per one-cup serving than what you’d find in a medium tomato! Here’s how to choose a ripe, juicy melon from your grocery store or farmers’ market: * Symmetry: Avoid lopsided or blemished melons. * Go heavy: A ripe melon will weigh more than unripe melons of a similar size. * Look for the “couche: That’s the spot where it sat on the ground while it was growing. This should be identifiable on a ripe melon. * Give it a sniff: Ready-to-eat melons (particularly cantaloupe and honeydew) will have an especially fragrant scent near the spot where the stem was attached.
Posted on: Wed, 09 Jul 2014 13:00:00 +0000

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