Synopsis of some of the stories I have posted here since last - TopicsExpress


Synopsis of some of the stories I have posted here since last year. If you haven’t read them you can request for the pdf files. 1) The Magic Pen – It is a week to first semester examinations in the University of Uyo. First year students are walking around with examination fever. A man appears on campus and sets up shop selling pens which he claims possesses magical powers of providing right answers for users in the examination hall. Will the students buy from him? 2) The Grace of God – Joseph Etim an Abuja big boy and entrepreneur narrates his grass to grace story. 3) Calabar girl – Uduakobong moves from Calabar to Surulere Lagos, to take up a top managerial position in her firm. Femi a rich casanova and playboy who lives in the same estate with her sets his sights on having a relationship with her. Will the Calabar girl stereotype be maintained or broken? Uduakobong has to make a critical decision…. 4) Platoon 3 – Kenny falls in love with Adamma his fellow platoon 3 mate in Nysc camp. Their relationship grows strong and the service year ahead looks great for the lovebirds….until the last day in camp when Kenny realizes that Adamma is not who she claims to be…… 5) The Modernization Of My Family - The daily life & rhythm of a simple African family headed by a real African man in a Nigerian city is threatened by the visit from New York of Jason a black American relative who is on summer holidays. The family head finds himself in a conflict situation with Jason. He must safeguard his young impressionable kids from the overwhelming influence of American culture. Which side will win? 6) Corporate tears – Private school teacher Angela Peters’ dream of working in a top corporate institution comes alive when the foremost bank in the country, Pristine bank schedules her for an aptitude test & interview. She passes both stages and waits for the appointment letter. But to be offered the job, she must scale through one last hurdle…… 7) The Black President – When news breaks, the global media group breaks it first. Joe the chief editor of the Port Harcourt based Global media group is awoken in the early hours of the day by the news of the death of Nelson Mandela. To obtain a full detail of the life and times of the great man for his weekly column, he has to walk away from the chaos in the office and head off with Rose his fiancée to visit Rose’s father, Dr Paul who is a Pan Africanist and historian. 8) Love in a Portrait – She is an African lady, a pure work of divine art. Charles a fine art artist falls in love with Emem Prince on her first visit to his arts studio. The love at first sight blossoms into marriage plans. An arts conference in Lokoja lures Charles away into the arms of Sandra a temptress in a one night stand. It’s all in the past Charles reasons as he puts the mistake behind him and forges ahead…but the past appears in the present to haunt him. Charles finds himself in a precarious situation with Sandra and a bitter ex who wants to get even with Emem. Will their relationship survive the betrayal? 9) A Taste of Christmas – It is 25th December, Christmas time in the city. Everybody is in a merry mood. Joy is a teenage girl in the choir, she is chosen to solo the lead Christmas carol to the consternation of her rival Tina but the spirit of Christmas prevails in the end and unites them. Christmas day means nothing to Danny a weed smoker and motor park tout. He heads off to the park for his daily hustle but a pleasant surprise awaits him there. Carlos is bent on proposing to his Eva girlfriend on Christmas night. He didn’t notice the speeding car approaching him from the side-street as he drove to pick Eva for a memorable Christmas dinner. But the spirit of Christmas and love does not desert him as he lies on the hospital bed. 10) The gates of Hell shall not prevail! – There is something special about the name of Jesus but in the urban and atheist household of Mr & Mrs Douglas Edewor the name of Jesus must not be mentioned. Mercy the teenage househelp finds her Christian faith tightly restricted and controlled by her master and mistress. An expensive Jewelry goes missing and all hell is let loose as fingers point to the young girl. But Jesus will surely vindicate his daughter, won’t he? The Douglas household undergoes turbulent times and trials that finally leads to the salvation of souls in the household confirming the supremacy of the name of Jesus. But where is the missing jewelry? 11) An Escape From the friend zone – Ken Johnson is a third year pharmacy student. A reclusive nerd whose sanctuary is the university library. The sight of a gorgeous girl on a hot afternoon in the library captivates him and he finds himself chasing her. Eva Essien is beautiful, intelligent, rich and classy. Male colleagues and lecturers compete for her attention. She doesn’t want a relationship with Ken, she wants a friend. Trapped in the friend zone, Ken is at his wits end searching for a way out while also trying to ward off advances from Idara a female coursemate who appears to be infatuated with him. Ken stumbles upon a dating manual with rules on turning a friend to a lover but will Eva cave in? He has to wait until valentine night to find out…. 12) Security threats – Drug lord Chief Paul Ebenezer is at the top of his game. He has the biggest drug cartel in the south and is rapidly expanding, gobbling up smaller cartels. He angrily storms out of a meeting convened by fellow drug lords to limit his expansionist agenda. He won’t sign the restriction agreement. He is bent on eliminating all competition, after all his security is impenetrable. As the chief goes home to make final preparation for the elimination of his rivals, Moscow the head of Chief Paul’s bodyguard is in the bedroom, hiding and waiting….. 13) School Life And Graduation – There is no hiding place for a goldfish. Immanuella Okon is a goldfish on a first class Gpa. She is beautiful and loved by all except Njideka Paul Okoro her arch rival who hates playing second fiddle to her. Their rivalry drags on to the final day in school; the convocation ceremony. Immanuella is on the podium but her valedictory speech script has just been stolen by Njideka… everything just a dream? 14) Justice In The Jungle – Life is rosy when you are the operations manager in Tunnix resources, a top ICT firm in Lagos. Ubong Akai is living the good life in his new world. A new intern, Ayo joins the firm and is assigned to understudy Ubong. They become best of friends. In the cruel streets of Lagos the value of life doesn’t count for much, all what it takes is for someone to point at you and shout Ole, and youll be a goner. Watching the bloodied body of Ayo go up in flames for a crime he didn’t commit got Ubong into a deep shock and brought him back to harsh reality of life but what he witnessed was a child’s play compared to what was coming in the future…. 15) All that I want is in Jesus – Vivian is the lead vocalist of hallway bible church choir. Her rich alto voice pierces hearts and opens them up for the entry of the gospel of Christ. Vivian has needs which must be met. The land lord won’t wait any longer, her two years old daughter in the village needs food and clothing. It is Easter season, a stranger walks into the church to attend the good Friday night program.... 16) Reality is an Illusion – Jerry Pam is the editor of the popular Drifts magazine based in Jos. On a cold and wet Friday evening, he branches into a supermarket to pick up few items. A young woman in a white gown wants to have a word with him. The woman turns out to be a mermaid….. Jerry takes to his heels. The mermaid chases him on the streets of Jos…..Is Jerry’s adventure a reality or an illusion? 17) How I wish I studied mathematics when I was told – Bright Amanam is overjoyed. He has gotten an invitation for an aptitude test with Sahoma oil group. The crowd at the test venue in Yaba polytechnic Lagos is overwhelming but Bright’s hope is intact….but there is a problem. The 50 test questions are all mathematical questions. How would Bright an English graduate solve the questions? The oil job opportunity is slipping out of his hands….. 18) Wife Internship – Catch them young was his motto and she looked young enough. Nnamdi made the right move on Chioma a year one undergraduate of Enugu state university. Chioma caved in. Nnamdi was handsome, rich, drove a luxury car, a third year student, he would protect her. Against the advice of her friends she moved in with him in his Ogui road residence. They were in love and that was all what mattered. Three years down the line Nnamdi still didn’t propose. Chioma was getting anxious. Their cohabitation was supposed to lead to marriage. A girl surfaced, Nnamdi was engaged after all. All hell broke loose on that rainy Saturday afternoon……. 19) Trapped in a ring – A corporate young man, a mysterious ring with supernatural powers, two mermaids, an ancient sect determined to resurrect in the modern times, mysterious deaths all linked to a strange creature. A fantasy thriller. This story is still under construction. 20) Uncle Rufus birthday party – Faced with endless pressure from his family members over his single status, 38 years old eligible bachelor Jerry Adams, a scion of the prestigious Adams clan brings Edidiong a female co-worker as a decoy girlfriend to the birthday party of Chief Rufus Adams the flamboyant ex-governor of Goldland state. In a strange twist of fate, Jerry and Edidiong end up finding love in each other that night. Will their love stand the test of time? Will the humble background of Edidiong fit into the illustrious pedigree of the snobbish Adams clan? 21) The Faith Angle – Life in Warri is rough and tough when you are an unemployed young man with no connections or rich relatives. It becomes even tougher when you have a kid to cater for. Ejiro was almost giving up on life when he met Ufuoma a Christian sister who invited him to church. The word of God brings changes but can faith really change anyone’s situation? Can the gospel of Christ put food and money on the table? Ejiro has to find out real soon……. 22) The Masters degree thesis – Getting a masters degree boosts your curriculum vitae and opens up job opportunities for you. When the brilliant Jemila Yusuf was granted a scholarship to study Resource Management in South Lane university, she was overexcited and thankful. With two weeks left to the completion of the program, two more weeks to defend her thesis, Jemila makes a shocking discovery. The degree wasn’t going to be awarded to her but to another Jemila Yusuf, her look alike who was waiting in the wings to take credits for her hard work. A high level conspiracy involving the top management staff of the institution. Jemila has two weeks to expose the fraud and save herself and hundreds of students from being scammed. Time is running out and her life is at stake….This story is under construction. 23) Still the one – The sequel to Uncle Rufus birthday party. Professor Ukpong makes a comeback with a revelation that will destroy Edidiong & Jerry’s marriage unless…..
Posted on: Sat, 09 Aug 2014 19:21:02 +0000

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