Syrian lawyers to act legally against Takfiri clerics ::: In - TopicsExpress


Syrian lawyers to act legally against Takfiri clerics ::: In Solidarity With Syria - ISWS ::: Syrian bar association is going to take legal action against certain foreign clerics who have issued extremists fatwas against Syria and invited terrorists to pour the blood of Syrian people. President of the National Syrian Bar Association, Nizar al-Skeif, said the association has been cooperating with a group of lawyers to pursue preparing a formal complaint against “Sheikhs of conspiracy” who have been involved in making plots against Syria and invited militants and gathered financial support for killing Syrian people. He said the Bar Association is determined to gather evidence and file a report against such figures that include heads of some states as well. Many clerics from Saudi Arabia, Qatar, Tunisia and some other countries have been calling on their supporters to leave their life and family and go and fight in Syria as a holy act. Families in many countries across Europe, Middle East and Africa have been witnessing departure of their youths who were deceived by such calls and left their homes to go and get killed in Syria. Extremist clerics have been calling even on young girls to go and hand themselves over to militants in Syria and marry them so that they can also participate in the “holy war”. Syria has been struggling with a foreign-backed insurgency, most supported by Saudi Arabia, Qatar, Turkey, Israel and United States, which started in March 2011 after pro-reform protests turned into a massive war by infiltration of foreign extremists. The United Nations says more than 100,000 people have been killed and a total of 7.8 million displaced due to the foreign-backed militancy in Syria. Over 1.8 million of the displaced Syrians are living in neighboring countries, mainly in Iraq, Jordan and Lebanon. source ::
Posted on: Thu, 22 Aug 2013 03:41:07 +0000

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