TEA PARTY.ORG: Did you ever wonder if Boehner has some kind of - TopicsExpress


TEA PARTY.ORG: Did you ever wonder if Boehner has some kind of secret tie to Obama? Hes certainly not playing for the conservatives. He needs to go and if you agree, click here. For several years We the People have been subjected to constant let downs, continual backstabbing and leadership in the House that constantly goes against the will of the people. How many times has John Boehner, as Speaker of the House, turned tables on us? Too many to count. Just when we think he is going to stand strong and not back down, he gives in to Obama and leaves good Patriots swinging in the breeze. Boehner has proven only one thing during his time in office... He is a friend of Obama. In fact, he is Obamas greatest enabler and a fabulous liar. We have the answer to getting Boehner fired right here—send him and all of his other Republican thug buddies a PINK SLIP! Remember how he was absolutely not giving an inch on Obamacare...or how he was in no way going to back Obamas amnesty-for-all program? Virtually every single time he has given in. Boehner has voted against what his Republican constituency supported. He blocked Wall Street reform...benefits for homeless veterans...the Fair Pay Act of 2009...the veterans jobs bill...the small business jobs act...political ad disclosure...small business jobs act...health care for 9-11 responders and many other key pieces of legislation. When your taxes go up you can blame Boehner for voting for a tax increase. This is not the kind of so-called leadership we need in Congress. No longer can we sit back and watch this travesty take place.
Posted on: Sat, 03 Jan 2015 01:47:35 +0000

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