TELLING LIES ON RELIGION FOR THE SAKE OF NON MUSLIMS? All praise be to Allaah Several years back, the famous Islamologist, Dr Tariq Ramadan was interviewed in Mauritius during his visit, by 5 PLus Newspaper I think well. A question was addressed to him on whether a Muslim is allowed to quit Islaam and adopt another religion, or not. He replied affirmatively. This shocked many people and even me I was shocked. And indeed, in his book entitled LIslaam En Question, on page 186, he textually said that apostasy is authorized and legitimate! Refer to this book if you think am a liar. Even the famous Dr Zakir Naik, when he was asked by a non Muslim about whether death penalty is prescribed for a Muslim who quit Islaam or not, he pretended that death penalty is not the punishment for apostacy, not only for a Muslim who quit Islaam but even if he propagates another faith!! And he even said that this is according to Islaam, according to Prophet Muhammad [sallallaahu alaihi wa sallam] and even according to himself! Not only he is self opinionated but he has told a lie on Prophet Muhammad [sallallaahu alaihi wa sallam]! Just watch this video carefully: youtube/watch?v=KGghDU-2_Y4&feature=related But Prophet Muhammad [sallallaahu alaihi wa sallam] indeed ordered death penalty for any Muslim who quit Islaam. See: “Whoever changes his religion, kill him.” [Saheeh Bukhari, vol:9, num:6922, Boulough Al Maram, num:1031, 1032, 1033] “It is not permissible to shed the blood of a Muslim who bears witness that there is no god except Allaah and that I am the Messenger of Allaah, except in one of three cases: a soul for a soul [i.e., in the case of murder]; a previously-married person who commits zina; and one who leaves his religion and separates from the main body of the Muslims.” [Saheeh Bukhari, num:6878, Saheeh Muslim, num:1676, Sunan Abu Daawud, vol:3, num:4338] These two hadeeths are authentic as we all know. Thus if a Muslim quit Islaam, the punishment is execution. But for Dr Zakir Naik, it is not execution, not only if a Muslim just quits Islaam,but even if he propagates another religion! Thus, to satisfy that non Muslim, he pretended that apostasy is not only ok but we can even call people to other religions after becoming renegades! This same Dr Zakir Naik, when he was asked about what women get in Paradise if men get Hoors [the beautiful maidens of Jannah], he pretended that Hoors are both males and females! Look at this video: youtube/watch?v=CvzVzx1Imgg Thus, we know that generally speaking, not only the non Muslims but even in the Muslim community, people,especially women, find it unjust that men get Hoor but woman does not get Hoor. Also polygamy is much criticized. Thus to satisfy these people, Dr Zakir Naik pretended that both men and women shall be bestowed with Hoors. :) Another example is that of Bhye Cehl. In an interview in 2007, it was in 5plus newspaper I think well, he declared that he no more believes in polygamy! Well, bhye Cehl is a politician who lives in a country which is predominated by non Muslims, especially the Hindus. And the non-Muslims criticize polygamy very harshly. And on the other side, Bhye Cehl is eager for political power, thus to satisfy the non Muslims, he criticized polygamy for the sake of politics.:) And Allaah knows best.
Posted on: Thu, 21 Nov 2013 13:35:11 +0000

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