TEN WAYS TO AVOID BECOMING ARMED ROBBERY VICTIM IN NIGERIA Currently, Nigeria Police response rate to armed robbery operation is estimated at two to three hours and this is largely because at local level; infrastructure for effective policing is poor and not properly co-ordinated. In some part of Nigeria, it is now common practice for people to keep money at home in preparation for armed robbery arrival so that it is handed to the bandit in exchange for life. Armed Robbers in some part of the country sometimes send letters to some sections of the community to let them know ahead that they are coming... If you or one of your family members becomes a victim of an armed robbery, protect yourself by remaining calm. In the event of an armed robbery being committed, vital information such as a description of vehicles and offenders can assist in the early apprehension of an offender. Remember the following ten key points: 1. Do not be heroic by putting yourself in danger. No amount of money or property is worth a life. Obey the offenders instructions but do only what you are told and nothing more. 2. Do not volunteer any information. Avoid eye contact with the offender and their weapon if possible and instead concentrate on the offender(s) features. 3. Stay out of danger if you are not directly involved and if you can leave the house safely, do so and then raise the alarm. 4. Be deliberate in your actions. If you are ordered to hand money to the offender, start with lower denomination notes. Consider your own safety first. 5. Phone the police emergency number and keep the line open (have your local police station number on speed dial) 6. Leave the building if you can without risk. If nobody else has already done so, phone the police. In any case, carefully observe any vehicle used by the offender(s) taking particular note of its registration number, type and colour. 7. Isolate the areas where the offender(s) stood or touched, immediately after they have left. Nobody should be allowed in these areas until the police have arrived and taken control of the situation. This is to allow police to obtain forensic evidence. 8. Observe as much as possible and write these details down as quickly as you can after the robbery. Minor details may assist the police in the apprehension of an offender. 9. Common physical appearance details such as height; age; build; and hair colour should be noted as well as any behavioural details including speech, mannerisms, clothing, scars or tattoos. Other aspects to consider include the type of weapon used and method and direction of escape. 10. Ask all witnesses to stay until the police arrive, as the police will want to speak to them. Explain that their evidence could prove vital when pieced together with other evidence. If possible, do not allow witnesses to talk together about the incident until police arrive. Victims of armed robbery frequently suffer trauma after the event. If so please seek professional counselling for members of your family and if you can afford it, reinforce one of your rooms in the house to become your panic room. Culled from Nigeria Family Emergency Plan by Temitope Olodo
Posted on: Wed, 01 Oct 2014 05:45:26 +0000

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