TESTIMONIES OF THE FORBIDDEN MARRIAGES... 2 Corinthians 6:14 Be ye not unequally yoked together with unbelievers: for what fellowship hath righteousness with unrighteousness? and what communion hath light with darkness? It is clearly stated and yet serves as a reminder not to be unequally yoked together with unbelievers. I guess,it is easy to read on but actually hard to digest , especially if someone is pressured with the feelings, people and circumstances. But God had warned His people of the possible dangers it would bring on their lives.Unfortunately, most of them chose to experience the real scenario. Adventists are Bible Christians who believe in the Bible and follow the teachings of God which made us different among others. They always find our beliefs to be odd, knowing we are not eating this and that (health conscious) , we have our own day of worship (Sabbath), we believe that our body is the temple of God (non smoker/non drinker), the sacredness of marriage ceremony (NPS), we are waiting for the Second Coming of Jesus Christ, and so on and so forth...All these and more can only be understood by the same Adventists. The reality bites, mostly, the supposed-to-be Adventist guy and Adventist girl partnership is not happening anymore. Rather an Adventist guy seeks for a non-Adventist girl and vise versa. But whatever the excuses and factors thought of, this is not designed for the children of God. With this,the Holy Spirit will be withdrawn from their relationship and becomes a totally-wrecked wedlock....Surely, consequences are ahead on the non-God-plan relationship. One of the heartmelting scenes is seeing mommy with the children attending the church services but not with the daddy,simply because the family man is not one in their faith.Oh my,the wife believing that the husband will be converted soon after they get married.That is one of the many deceits that the evil promised. And so all the struggles, difficulties and troubles follow. It is really heartbreaking to list down and to let others know the sure (worst) result of marrying outside our faith but it would be a great warning to every SINGLE individual who is planning to take the risk... What matters most is that...YOU MIGHT BE A HELP!
Posted on: Sat, 28 Jun 2014 20:48:00 +0000

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