TESTOSTERONE INFORMATION SERIES – PART 3 IS THERE A NON-STEROID SUPPLEMENT I CAN TAKE THAT IS PROVEN TO INCREASE TESTOSTERONE? D-ASPARTIC ACID Many ‘natural’ T boosters have come on the market over the years, which claim to increase T yet fail to hold up in scientific trials (yohimbe, fenugreek etc). However one supplement that has been proven to boost T in human trials is D-aspartic acid (DAA). One study gave a group of 23 men around 3g of sodium DAA for 12 days consecutively, and measured LH (the ‘message’ hormone to release T from testicles) and T after 12 days. LH was increased by 33% on average, and testosterone by 42%. The mechanism appears to lie in not only hypothalamic LH secretion (which induces testosterone synthesis) but also through the STAR compound, which also regulates androgen synthesis. Interestingly, 3 days post trial, T levels were still elevated by statistically significant amounts, as the DAA had accumulated in significant amounts in the testes. The same study demonstrated similar results with rats in terms of LH and T release. I MADE MYSELF A GUINEA PIG… Since there have been few studies completed on DAA, we cannot be 100% certain of its efficacy. A few months ago, I was curious about the supplement after reading many positive reports, so I guinea-pigged myself, getting blood tests done pre-DAA and post DAA (having supplemented with 3g first thing in the morning for 2 weeks). My testosterone levels were 21.1nmol/l pre DAA. My bloods after supplementing were 29.8nmol/l, which is an increase of 41%! WHAT DOES THIS MEAN FOR ME? Unlike vit D, zinc or magnesium, you don’t need to be deficient in anything to benefit from DAA. Supplement companies recommend 3g of DAA for 2 weeks on, 1 week off, in line with the human trial period. Like I said however, it is a relatively new supplement so more research is needed.
Posted on: Mon, 08 Jul 2013 11:16:30 +0000

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