TEXAS STYLE VERSION OF SARAH PALIN AKA Rick Perry ...IMHO ++++++++++++++++++ IN THE NEWS : Rick Perry can’t afford to lose any of his 2012 Iowa supporters if he is to have any chance to win the 2016 Republican presidential caucuses there. After all, the Texas governor finished a poor fifth in 2012 — a disastrous result that led to his withdrawal from the White House race just two weeks later.Unforced error So Team Perry can’t be pleased to look at the web site TheIowaRepublican and read the headline, “Cruz Garnering Excitement Across Republican Factions.” Yes, that’s fellow Texan Ted Cruz. The freshman senator. The 42-year-old firebrand who’s young enough to be Perry’s son. “The Republican Party is desperately in need of a leader who can bring the party together and excite the base,” the story by longtime Iowa journalist and Republican operative Kevin Hall began. “Early signs indicate that Texas Senator Ted Cruz might be that man.” Check out the quotes from the audience that just saw Cruz in Ames, Iowa, over the weekend: "That was the first political speech to get me excited in a very long time,” said Dane Nealson, the chair of the Story County GOP who worked on the presidential campaigns for Tim Pawlenty and Rick Perry. “He’s the best shot I’ve seen so far to unite the factions.” The Family Leader CEO Bob Vander Plaats, who endorsed Rick Santorum in the 2012 Iowa Caucus, gave a decidedly more enthusiastic introduction for Senator Cruz than he did for Santorum. “Cruz is a phenomenon that I haven’t seen the like of in a long time, probably ever,” Vander Plaats told TheIowaRepublican. It’s the conventional wisdom — and, we all know, conventional wisdom is often wrong — that only one Texas candidate can make the “first tier” of 2016 Republican presidential candidates. Early polling shows Cruz doing far better than Perry — even in Texas, where Perry has ruled for more than 13 years. And Cruz is proving to be far more aggressive at reaching out to conservative grassroots voters and opinion leaders. Perry’s star has fallen so far that he’s not even included in many Republican presidential polls. If the Texas governor is to be taken seriously, he needs to generate lines like this on TheIowaRepublican: "Popular with libertarians, social conservatives and making waves with mainstream Republicans, Ted Cruz is exciting Iowa Caucus goers in ways that few candidates ever have.” Even without the Cruz complication, Perry is piling up a new collection of “oops” moments, those self-inflicted wounds that define his national image. My Austin bureau colleague Peggy Fikac sums it up in her column this week: Perry, in a June speech to the Faith & Freedom Coalition in Washington, slammed the Obama administration by saying it “won’t make one phone call to save our men and women in an embassy in Lebanon.” He apparently meant Libya. In a July interview with the Washington Post, Perry framed his potential 2016 prospects by saying that “America’s been a country of second choices.” When reporter Dan Balz asked if he meant second chances, Perry said, “Both,” according to the story. “Second choices and second chances.” It’s hard to imagine he really meant to cast himself as a second-choice candidate, but if so, it’s less than a winning slogan. Perry launched August by mixing up his locales during an appearance at the RedState blogger gathering — even though “New Orleans” was written on the front of the lectern. “There are many other states that embrace those conservative values, the approach that we’ve taken over the years. I’m in one today — in Florida. You look at South Carolina. You look at Florida,” Perry said. A voice called out, “We’re in Louisiana.” Will Perry run for president in 2016? The governor says he’s still thinking about it and praying about it. While he’s thinking, however, Ted Cruz is winning converts.
Posted on: Tue, 13 Aug 2013 13:06:30 +0000

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