THANK GOD FOR THE SECOND CONSTITUTIONAL AMENDMENT We now have in the people’s White House a creep who carries a chip on his shoulder, because his Kenyan father brought him into this world by way of a white American female. Since he is less than a full blooded American, he has seen fit to align himself with the scum of the earth: i.e., people who hate this country and everything it has stood for over the life of the U. S. Constitution. He has been cunning enough with his double talk to fool a lot of the voting public into believing his lies. Since that would not have garnered for him enough electors to attain our highest office, he has used illicit organizations, such as ACORN to round up people that break the voting laws (by casting multiple illegal ballots) which helped him overcome his voter shortfall. This is a creep that will do (illegally) whatever is necessary to sate his lust for power. The one roadblock standing in the way of Obama becoming a dictator happens to be the Second Amendment to the Constitution, a wonderful addition which our founding fathers so wisely decided to put in place for our protection from tyrants. For, as long as every loyal citizen remains armed, no potential dictator can reach the goal of total control of OUR PEOPLE! When loyal citizens are not armed, the door to takeover becomes more likely. If ever we permit government to disarm the public, we shall be headed for the ash-heap of history, with government murdering its people at will. So, BARACK HUSSAIN OBAMA, put this in your pipe and take a few long drags, for we shall fight to the death any attempt to disarm the loyal citizens of America. You have not yet become the GOD that you aspire to be! So, if you are looking to run some country, I suggest that you give up on America, and instead start concentrating on taking control of your father’s home country, though I doubt they would keep you for long. Paul E. Towry, Colonel, US Army, Retired IF YOU PASS THIS ON TO ALL YOUR FRIENDS, IT COULD PROMOTE A GROUND SWELL OF RESISTENCE!
Posted on: Tue, 09 Jul 2013 15:29:16 +0000

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