THANK GOD GOVT STOPPED DIPLMAS LIKE DGO/DCH/DVD etc etc........SIMILARLY DNB SHOULD BE STOPPED.......Kanwal Jeet .....Do you know how DNB came into existence???? Listen to me very carefully. What Im gonna tell you is not fiction. These are raw facts. As the HODs of AIIMS New Delhi gradually retired and were appointed as Consultants into Corporates, they realized that they were crippled without residents. And no residents would join them. As the HODs were close to the policy makers of medical education in the Govt., they got this lateral offshoot, known as DNB specialty and superspecialty, into existence. It was purely to get asses to work for them. How can DNB be equivalent to a structured 3 year training Specialty/ Superspecialty curriculum. In DNB, you are attached to a single consultant in a 5 star private corporate, and would a rich and whos who creme de la creme patient, who form the major chunks of these corporate centres, allow a trainee to even touch them. Moreover, since Gangaram, Medanta, Fortis, etc. where these DNBs are supposedly trained, are hard core commercial centres, where is the time for 6 days a week academic curriculum like CPC, Stat. Meets, Journal Clubs, Seminars, Operative Breifings and Debriefings, etc. that are a mandatory ingredient of a structured superspecialty curriculum. DNB is like Mithun Da, a poor mans Amitabh Bachchan (with due regards to the Disco Dancer). The policy makers were tricked into this stream over Beer during Sunday Golf or Bridge during Sunday Club Sessions by the retired professors of AIIMS. And from there, the fashion became rampant. It is indeed foolish to equipoise DNBs to Specialists/ Superspecialists. Rest is for you to infer. A theory examination does not confer intervention/ operative rights upon a trainee.
Posted on: Tue, 02 Sep 2014 11:43:19 +0000

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