THANK YOU! - volunteers who worked hard and supporters who donated - TopicsExpress


THANK YOU! - volunteers who worked hard and supporters who donated money, equipment, materials. It was an incredible weekend in which we accomplished more than we could have hoped for. Watch this page. I will post a more detailed overview of the weekend soon. Shortly after one of the workmen hung the Estonian Flag from the bell tower Saturday morning, a huge eagle swooped out of the tower - so incredibly massive it had to dive-bomb because it could not unfurl its enormous wingspan in the tight space it was taking off from. The eagle had made the church its home and was definitely angry we were there and circled above us for some time. But we understood its presence to be that of divine protector. For our work, this meant that there were no snakes or rodents to contend with under the rocks and thick brush. For the church, it means small rodents cannot inhabit or destroy it. Just above the doorframe inside the church is a barn swallows nest. The barn swallow is the national bird of Estonia. Täname! - Vabatahtlikke, kelle töö ja panus viisid talgupäevad läbi. Täname! - Rahvast kes annetasid raha, seadmeid, materjale, jne. See oli uskumatu nädalavahetus! Saavutasime rohkem, kui me oleks võinud loota. Postitan varsti töötegevuse ülevaade. Laupäeva hommikul töömees riputas Eesti lippu kellatornist ja just pärast kui ta sealt alla ronis, massiivne kotkas lendas torni aknast välja. Kotkas pommis nokk ees alla kuna tiivaulatus oli nii lai, et ei olnud võimalik tal teist moodi tiivad lahti teha. Kotkase pesa on kirikulaes ja nüüd muutus ta rahutuks - tiirles kiriku kohal juba mõnda aega. Aga mõned meist saame aru, et kotkas on kiriku kaitsja. Meie töö heaks, see tähendas, et ei olnud maod või närilisi kivide ja paksu võsastiku all. Kiriku hoone jaoks tähendab see, et teised loomad ei saa oma pesad sinna teha ega kiriku hoonet hävitada. Just seespool ukseraami on ka suitsupääsukese pesa. Elagu Eesti!
Posted on: Mon, 09 Jun 2014 13:06:14 +0000

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