THANK YOU For all of you on our Facebook page, we really felt - TopicsExpress


THANK YOU For all of you on our Facebook page, we really felt we needed to post a big thank you to the people who made it happen behind the scenes. This post is for them, but we are posting it here because we want to honour them for their part in making E2W2014 happen. Well, we did it. And we did it only because AMAZING INCREDIBLE BREATHTAKING volunteers who worked day and night to make this happen. Many of them are going to shoot me for this but (and in no particular order) ... our key team of supervisors - Mark Ridley, Karen Ridley, Brent Dorcas, Brent Morehouse, Mike and Julie Lawrence, Nicole ODonnell, Justin and Paige Beesley, Jon and Kelly Dobson, William Jagger and Angie Price. East to West WOULD NOT have happened without you guys. James Bustard (Bustards Renovations) and Troy Rickard (Rickard Electric) are awesome men who love God and love to serve. If you need any carpentry work or any electrical work, these guys are quality, hard working and they Love Jesus! Barry Seymour and all the kids who shovelled rock and mud in their flip flops all day Wednesday and Thursday (Morgan, Haley, Molly, Matt, Emma) ... Thanks to Caleb Ridley and Dylan for working their butts off all week ... you guys were awesome!! Thanks to Will and Joel (Verity Studios ... you gotta check them out) for wheel barrowing a ton (literally) of rock in the rain and for helping out. Thanks to Jerry and Dianne OLeary (Mom and Dad :-))and Steve Aubin, who came to E2W to just enjoy the festival and ended up working 18 hours at day for 4 days straight! Speaking of people that came to just enjoy the festival and ended up working insane hours (and I am going to miss some of you because I am still very deprived of sleep so please dont take it personal we love you!!) Katrina, Di Di, Bob & CJ, (Paulas Right Hand) Katie, Lenore and Sam, Julie and Tess, John Lyons, Neil Hayden and his wife, Denis Boudreau, all of you who stayed up all night doing late night security, Chris and all the young men who tried to make sense of a wild parking lot, all of Karens Merch Girls, all the drivers, all the warriors in the Prayer Tents (especially Chrissy who ended up being a Driver most of the festival!!), thanks to all the people who worked security with a beautiful heart and personality (yeah I mean you!!) ... so many people blessed us more than we can ever explain. All of the volunteers, regardless of how much time you were able to help, we couldnt have done it without you. We know that many of you came with no intentions of volunteering (or at least no plans of volunteering nearly as much!!) but you stepped up when we needed you and we will NEVER forget it. Thank you to all our partners ... Compassion Canada, Crandall University, Connetik Interactive (if you need a website these are your guys!!), Youth for Christ, Back to the Bible / Indoubt, Harvesters Radio and many others.Thank you to Naz, Mama, Papa and the crew at Caribbean Flavas for looking after all of us with excellent food. Thank you to Mike Jones and Signature Sound for giving East to West a world-class sound and light experience! Thanks to the Camera team that worked non stop - both Aaron Cushings Camera Team (Justin, Ashley and Deena) and Nicoles main stage video team (Kayleigh, Doug, Brad). You guys rock! Thank you to all our radio station partners ... Joy FM, Life Radio, NewSong Radio, Hope FM and CKO. Thank you to Chuck and Jan Tilley. Only a few of you even know who they are but without them, East to West doesnt happen and we are blessed to call them friends. Thank you Tim and Sue Wile for hosting East to West 2014 at the Centre for Speed. I am sure I am forgetting people but my eyes are crossing from lack of sleep again, so if I forgot to mention you, please dont take it personal. We cant stress enough how much we love and appreciate you all, and you all have put a huge smile on our faces, but most importantly of all our God and Saviour Jesus Christ was looking down and smiling a great big smile at all our your servants hearts. Speaking of the entire reason we do this, we would like to end with the only reason we do this and say THANK YOU JESUS. You have opened our eyes and hearts in ways that we never thought possible. You have shown us love and grace that we dont deserve and we cannot think of anything else in the world we would rather do than serve you. We are blessed beyond belief that You would take a few people who love You and allow us to glorify Your name and help grow and encourage Your Kingdom. In His Service, Dave and Paula OLeary - East to West
Posted on: Tue, 01 Jul 2014 01:40:43 +0000

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