THANK YOU GOD!!! Once again you have saved my tired and downward - TopicsExpress


THANK YOU GOD!!! Once again you have saved my tired and downward trodden a$$!!! You have blessed me with an intuition that worries the hell out of me because,invariably, am I rarely off the mark especially when it comes to the prediction of when disaster will strike next. Now people will say you should just live your own life and not worry about things that havent happened. Because I take such comfort in preparedness, I at least try to avoid disaster whenever possible. Despite my proactive attempts, I came in to my home after work today with NO HEAT! I knew it immediately. It was 58 degrees and dropping. This is where GOD steps in to save me yet again. My amazing neighbors two doors down are wizards in heating and cooling. In a moment of sheer desperation, I called them, as they just recently inspected my furnace for the winter to put my mind at ease. The temp was dropping in my home quickly...within 30 minutes it was almost 50 degrees, very drafty and still dropping. I was sure I wasnt going to have heat tonight or even for several days...and to make matters worse I was not feeling well at all being in the cold. GOD SAVED ME YET AGAIN!!! My neighbor happened to have a piece that matched my very old furnace and installed it. After 90 minutes, a miracle heat was working. Thank you Lord for making me a person worth saving...whether Im being saved by you or amazing people like Ron and Margaret Hella! I am forever thankful, appreciative, and honored that people are really there when Im at my lowest...sorry for the long testimony, but this message is noteworthy in ways that exceed FB...I am sleeping with heat tonight! In the end it could always be worse but Im just so glad that this time it wasnt. Im overwhelmed with gratitude. Have a great night everyone and be thankful for heat!!!! ❤️
Posted on: Thu, 08 Jan 2015 01:52:36 +0000

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