THE 21ST CENTURY REVIVALIST AND THEIR REBELLIOUS COUNTERPART I had a brief discussion with a friend lately, and I was glad i did. The discussion centred on the fact that the end is near considering the many heresies and errors all around us on televisions and radio. More disappointedly is the fact most of these errors are coming from some of our respected men of God with heavily populated congregations. Therefore, it is clear from the foregoing that the bulk of the people whom God will use for the end time revival may not necessarily be the deliverance ministers but men and women who will be devoted to the study of the scriptures and will rightly divide the word of truth. They will rise up against every strange doctrines and pull down every imaginations that may try to lift up of itself above the knowledge of christ. Sadly, some of this people are already equipped with sufficient knowledge of Gods word but there is an attack of the devil on them. The devil has compromised this knowledge in their hands. In their multitude of knowledge, they are already creeping away from the truth and fast becoming the exact enemies they are raised to combat. The young ones among them no longer respect the institution of the church any more, most of them are spiritual orphans with no discipler to direct them. they only jump from church to church without any particular roof over their own head. They believe that their accountability is only to God and to no man. So, as they gradually move in slow motion into heresy there is no one to correct them... what a pity! Some of them says they love Jesus but they just dont like the idea of the church, their excuse is always the political situation of the church or one doctrine or the other. If you belong to that category then i think you need to think about this, The bible teaches that the church is the bride of christ, loving chist without accepting the church is like someone telling you that he love you but he just cant accept your wife, how does that sound? The church is the body of christ, how can you tell someone that you love him but you just cant accept his body? this is exactly what we do when we say we love jesus but we are not in support of the church idea. The church maybe Imperfect, but it is our responsibility to ensure that the gate of hell does not prevail until the coming of our Lord.
Posted on: Fri, 28 Mar 2014 09:38:17 +0000

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