>|. THE ADVENTURE.|< Day 316 of 365 Topic: The Beauty Of - TopicsExpress


>|. THE ADVENTURE.|< Day 316 of 365 Topic: The Beauty Of Challenges Ref. Scripture: There came a woman of Samaria to draw water. Jesus said to her, give me a drink John 4:7 The presence of a challenge is an opportunity to encounter a fresh dimension of God. Abraham never had an encounter with the Jireh dimension of God until he was at Mount Moriah where He was to sacrifice his son. It was a trying moment for him, but that challenge came with an opportunity for a unique encounter with God. For this woman to have come to the well for water, she must have had need of it. Perhaps she had endured thirst for a while. This need for water was what created the opportunity for her to encounter The Living Water. We could say, the challenge she had afforded her the opportunity of an encounter with Jesus. I dont know about you, but every time I have encountered God in a fresh dimension, it was as a result of a trying moment. You may never know what Jehovah El-Shaddai means until you are in need and all you look up to disappoint you. You may never know what it means to have the Lord of Hosts until you are embattled on all fronts. So friend, you should stop asking, Why, Lord, and start asking, What, Lord. What dimension of Him is He trying to reveal to you through your season of trial? Concentrate on that, and youll learn to sing through the storm. Thought For The Day: There is a revelation hidden in every unpleasant season. Meditate: Genesis 22:1-15 Have a Great Day Oluwatobiloba 794F2CB9 || @kingdomturf
Posted on: Thu, 13 Nov 2014 09:13:21 +0000

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