THE ALARMING INCREASE IN THE NUMBER OF AGBERO POLITICAL JOBBERS IN KOGI WEST AS 2015 APPROACHES. Recent events in Kogi West have shown that there is a substantial increase in the number of Agbero political jobbers amongst us. The Yoruba word denotes the motor park tout, whose task is to get the vehicle filled with passengers without the slightest thought about its carrying capacity or its road worthiness. The only thing he cares about is his commission calculated from the number of passengers. The agbero political jobber will marshal the argument to justify any action, inaction and failure of his oga. His commission is the trappings and lucre of office; cash and other sundry items and like the motor park tout, he prizes that above all else. Like the agbero in the park, they are so hopeless that they are contented with this kind of existence. This is the emerging threat to the emancipation of our people. This is the group of persons our people must be wary of as 2015 approaches. We should not be surprised if some of their arguments in support of their ogas are ludicrous and may border on insanity. Its just the case of some peoples pain being someone elses gain. May the Lord guide us to discern these individuals and give us the will to treat them according to the dictates of their conduct.
Posted on: Wed, 29 Oct 2014 11:34:12 +0000

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