THE AMERICAN DEVIL’S ADVOCATE The Devil’s Advocate from - TopicsExpress


THE AMERICAN DEVIL’S ADVOCATE The Devil’s Advocate from America consulted his Master today and this is what was said. Advocate: Master, I’ve done your bidding and this earth seems to have responded rather well to my labors. War and dissention run abound now. Poverty and strife are unparalleled when compared to any other time in recorded history while the earth simultaneously enjoys its most financially advanced pinnacle ever known. Greed and fear has taken hold and grips all of the inhabitants down here now. What else is there left to do? Satan: God is tenacious my young apprentice. His greatest strength (and conversely weakness) is that he never loses hope. While we relish in a relaxed state of satisfaction observing our handiwork God re-doubles his own efforts to penetrate our darkness with his own rays of light. It is his misguided belief that he can lure some to leave our world down here for a better place where our bidding is not allowed to encroach. Advocate: You’re talking about Heaven? Satan: Of course! We are not allowed to conjure our spells there and are relegated solely to deceiving here. This is MY PLANET and once any are able to leave they are lost to us forever. As such, continue with your deceptive efforts to get our disciples to believe they are actually living in God’s world right now. That way none will fear their inevitable return nor work to thwart same. Advocate: Well that deception is getting a bit harder to perpetuate with all of the war, poverty, strife, turmoil, deceit, greed, etc. running rampant down here now. I mean it’s sort of a Catch-22. The better job we do down here the harder it actually becomes to get our inhabitants to continue pretending they’re already in God’s favor and already being looked after while merely waiting a short period of time to go and be with him. Satan: Ah, fret not my young disciple! You underestimate man’s willingness and even desire to lie to himself! Advocate: What do you mean? Satan: Let’s take my wars for example. Now I’ve set up a system where only 2 may speak for the tens of millions of all in each region in just your country alone. As such, the greedy and easily corruptible heading my large private corporate interests are effortlessly able to further our plans. Advocate: Like how? Satan: Look, Barbara Boxer and Dianne Feinstein alone carry the collective voices of over 40 million people in merely one region of my planet. Now exactly how easily do you believe it is for me to send you to corrupt the actions of merely those two in order to pervert the lives, perspectives, views and voices of over 40 million souls in that one region? I’ve set it up to work exactly the same in each region. Advocate: Yes but the Senate alone cannot act for all down here. We also have to corrupt Harry Waxman, Maxine Waters, Juan Vargas, David Valadao, Mike Thompson, Mark Takano, Eric Swalwell, Jackie Speier, Brad Sherman, Adam Schiff, Linda and Loretta Sanchez, Raul Ruiz, Edward Royce, Lucille Roybal-Allard, Dana Rohrabacher, Scott Peters, Nancy Pelosi, David Nunes, Gloria Negrete McLeod, Grace Napolitano, George and Gary Miller, Jerry McNerney, Howard McKeon, Tom McClintock, Kevin McCarthy, Doris Matsui, Alan Lowenthal, Zoe Lofgren, Barbara Lee, Doug LaMalfa, Darrell Issa, Duncan Hunter, Jared Huffman, Michael Honda, Janice Hahn, John Garamendi, Sam Farr, Anna Eshoo, Jeff Denham, Susan Davis, Jim Costa, Paul Cook, Judy Chu, Tony Cardenas, Lois Capps, John Campbell, Ken Calvert, Julia Brownley, Ami Bera, Xavier Becerra and Karen Bass. So that’s 53 other people we have to reach and corrupt in addition to merely those other 2. Satan: Ok! Soooo would you rather attempt to exploit the corruptibility of merely 55 people or all 40 million in that one region? I mean which would be easier for us do you think? And besides, we don’t have to corrupt all 55 of them but merely a little over half of them. It works the same in every region and besides, look at the region I’ve named Louisiana. There you only have to corrupt a little over half of the 8 total representatives. Other areas even less than that! Soooo what’s your complaint! Advocate: Well as I said before, we’ve done such a good job down here that it’s really beginning to get quite a bit more difficult to go on perpetuating the same evil and greed. Satan: (chuckling) You fret too much my young apprentice and place far too little faith on man’s willingness and even desire to lie to himself! Advocate: You keep saying that, but I’m not really sure how much farther Man’s willingness and even desire to lie to himself can take us now! I mean things are getting pretty bad down here. Satan: Then limit their options. When given fewer and fewer choices whether or not to sell their souls to me you will then recognize the true value of man’s willingness and even desire to lie to himself! Advocate: Well I’m merely your advocate for America so I can really only speak for how it works here. You’d have to have this conversation with each of your advocates from the other parts of this world to fully understand the problems each of your advocates face now but speaking for your disciples in America I can say that I think we’ve reached an impass for further greed and evil here. Satan: Nonsense!! Let’s review our plan thus far in order to make sure you’re fully cognizant of all aspects of my intended design. For if your awareness is complete then my simple instructions to “limit their choices” should make perfect sense to you now. Advocate: Well, ok. Your plan was to have me (or others like me through our private Corporate interests like Halliburton Intnl, Exxon, etc.) approach each of the people listed above and throughout America and subtly corrupt them to the point that they were able to find a reasonable rationale for voting to inflict war. Lobbyists, Special Interest Groups, etc. are utilized quite often but the intent is ultimately the same. For some it was merely greed all along. In short, pay them and they vote the way we wish. For others we coaxed them to accept that the inhabitants of the foreign lands could eventually someday become a threat to them here. For some we coaxed them to believe that war was necessary to preserve our “American Way of Life” or to “promote Democracy”, etc. For others it was to combat opposing religious superiority (ie, the rise of Islam). I mean the reasons and rationales have been endless and varying across the board. Satan: (chuckling again) And yet you still refuse to place your abounding faith in Man’s wilingess and even desire to lie to himself. Advocate: Well this is where I’m getting lost! I mean some of these rationales could actually be viewed by some as legitimate. Satan: War is never legitimate. What did their precious God tell them all in such unvarying terms that NONE could have misinterpreted those instructions? THOU SHALT NOT KILL!!! He did not say to them……”thou shalt not kill unless at war” nor did he say…….”thou shalt not kill unless protecting yourself in someone else’s front yard 10,000 miles from your own” nor did he say……..”thou shalt not kill unless you legitimately believe that one day another may decide to attack you at home in the future” nor anything remotely close to such illusions. He told them…………”THOU SHALT NOT KILL!!!” Advocate: Yes, but our intention is to collect their souls. So if they legitimately believe these ridiculous rationales then doesn’t that somehow at least discount their own culpability in willingly selling their souls to you? I mean the politicians I get it. They willingly and knowingly sold their souls for our cash. But the common man is not, as yet, so culpable. Satan: You seem to be suffering the illusion that war was the ultimate goal here. When, in fact, war is merely the means to the ultimate goal. I want their souls! War helps me get what I want! Advocate: Yes, but how? Satan: We limit their options. Advocate: You keep saying that too but I don’t really see how we accomplish that! Satan: Through war! Advocate: But how! Satan: Look, I already control Haliburton Intn’l, Exxon-Mobile, Dutch Shell Petroleum, British Petroleum, General Dynamics, Raytheon and all of the hundreds of other American Defense Contractors in your particular area of the world. Just like all others for that matter. As such, if merely war were the ultimate goal then I could easily get them to finance perpetual war around my world. I mean I could actually have them even finance that perpetual war through the spoils of war they steal during each war. But war is not the ultimate goal here. Gaining the souls of all is the ultimate goal. Advocate: Still not following Satan: Look, how much do these private American defense contractors report in profits from the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan? Advocate: Oh, gee! I haven’t looked lately but it seems that Exxon reports about 14 billion dollars profit per quarter. The others are quite profitable but certainly not as noticeable as Exxon. Soo I’d have to say maybe couple hundred billion dollars a year total. Satan: Ok, so lets say the hundreds of private corporate Defense Contractors in America reap as much as 500 billion dollars per year in additional profits from those two wars. It’s nowhere near that much but lets just assume for a second that it is!! Now how much does America spend every year to finance those 2 wars? Advocate: Over 1 trillion dollars a year. Satan: Exactly!! So spending over 1 trillion dollars a year in order to increase your American earnings by a couple hundred billion makes little sense to anyone but Exxon-Mobile, Halliburton Intn’l, BP, Royal Dutch Shell, Raytheon, General Dynamics, etc, etc. etc. BUT ONLY AS LONG AS WE CAN CONTINUE TO GET THE SHEEP IN AMERICA TO CONTINUE FUNDING IT, RIGHT!!?? Otherwise it would make little sense economically, politically, financially or for any other reason to even go to those foreign lands much less remain for decades at a time. Advocate: Ok, but we’ve already done that and if war was never the ultimate goal then what, exactly, was the whole point? Satan: (as a wicked smile begins to stretch across his ominous face) To limit their options left! Advocate: And how have we done that? Satan: Debt is a crushing weight upon any soul. Nothing has proven to be truer over time to me than that inevitable fact. Indebtedness limits not only one’s options individually in life but collectively as a whole. When that irredeemable Bill Clinton left office in 2000 he left our country with only 4 trillion dollars in debt and a quarter of a trillion dollar annual budget surplus. In short, you and I had our work cut out for us if we were to collect anymore souls from America for they were all on the fast track to becoming completely debt free in a very short time span. Advocate: Yes but then the wealthy elite and Republicans took control upon his departure from office! Satan: Yes and we were able to not only erase any budget surplus but to take that debt from merely 4 trillion to over 10 trillion in less than 8 short years. If you add the 4-5 trillion dollars in additional debt that was immediately loped on at the end of that tenure for the housing collapse crisis, the TARP loans, the Wall Street Banking and Insurance collapse that occurred in 2008-2009? Well we were able to take an almost paid off national debt with a quarter of a trillion dollar a year annual budget surplus paying it off to about 15 trillion dollars. An almost miraculous turn of events if I do say so myself in only a short 8 year period of time! And how did we do this?? WAR!!!!! Advocate: Yes but in 2008 our wealthy elite lost control of things again and those who replaced our trusted disciples moved to end both wars and bring our troops home. Since that time that debt has failed to even double over the last 8 years. Sooo things seem to be slowing quite dramatically in your ultimate plan. In fact, it has only grown by a measly 3 trillion or so since that time albeit that is still almost as much as it had become in almost 250 years of American existence. But even still most of that is due to the interest expense on such a vast National Debt now carried along with the costs of continuing the military conflicts in Afghanistan and around the world. Do you think they’ll find a way out of their trap because they certainly appear to have put a rather drastic set of brakes upon that exponentially growing debt problem over the last 6 years?? Satan: Alas, still unable to see the benefits of man’s willingness and even desire to lie to himself aren’t you my young disciple? Advocate: And how do you plan to encourage them to lie to themselves now? Satan: By limiting their options not too! The whole purpose of those wars! Advocate: (a confused look on his face) By doing??? Satan: Nothing now! For it is already done!! Interest rates will soon be forced to rise otherwise the economic ramifications would be catastrophic for the entire world down there. Now a debt at 10% interest will virtually double every 7-8 years. As such, even if the next President entering office balances the American budget for each of the years they hold that office (something few have ever done in America) and even if re-elected and continuing to balance the American budget for all 8 years of that Presidential tenure?? The American debt will still double from almost 20 trillion now to 40 trillion by the time she leaves office. And will do so again during each of the following Presidential tenures. In short, our work was done for us by the year 2008. All we have to do now is sit back and allow time to LIMIT THEIR OPTIONS and then watch as each exhibit THEIR WILLINGNESS AND DESIRE TO LIE TO THEMSELVES!! Hahahahaahahahahahaha Advocate: Well I think I’m pretty much caught up with you plan now, at least for the most part. But during tough and trying times haven’t you found that the masses tend to come closer to God, righteousness and doing what is right?? What about this undeniable platform of events coming now? Satan: Look, at the moment it is merely “unpatriotic” not to support my plan! I mean “You don’t support our troops” or “You’re un-American when you say things like that”, etc. etc. etc. But just wait until they’re options become truly limited!! Then you’ll begin to see a mass willingness to turn their souls over to me. The very same thing happened in Germany merely 7 decades ago and in Rome a couple of centuries before that!! When the masses begin to suffer debilitating and demeaning economic hardships they will soon easily find a convincing rationale to willingly hand their souls over to me. Advocate: So its actually the rich of any nation which has ultimately destroyed the entire nation throughout history and even been responsible for the recruitment of the most souls for you? Satan: Of course!! I mean you have the rich who have willingly and knowingly sold their souls to me for preferential treatment and a preferential status among my world like you. And, of course, you have another vast base of those whose entire value system has become consumed with their beliefs and values about wealth. In short, they want to be rich, want to be seen dining with the rich or conversing with the rich or living with them in their neighborhoods, etc. etc. etc. They’ll convince their daughters that the value of a husbands worth is based solely in his job, parental patronage, etc. And, of course, this type of indoctrination merely facilitates my ultimate plans for all down there. They’ll even create country clubs, political parties, Universities and entire sub-cultures to facilitate my own Satanic plans for them. Advocate: Guess there’s a lot of truth to that scriptural passage…….”it is easier for a Camel to pass through the eye of a needle than it is for a rich man to enter the heavens”. Satan: (laughing uncontrollably now with mirth) Yes, and while things do tend to swing back and forth in the political spectrums down there I guess it would be just as safe to say (at least at this point)……”it is easier for a Camel to pass through the eye of a needle than it is for a Republican to enter the heavens”. Hahahahahahaaha Advocate: What do you mean? Satan: If you own your own fleet of private jets at present or are even an owner of a vast portion of one of my many private corporate interests down there like Halliburton, Exxon, Raytheon, General Dynamics, etc.??? Well then you SHOULD RIGHTFULLY BE a Republican in America because my faithful disciples have all banded together to protect and keep more of what they’ve earned by willfully selling their souls to me down there. However, if not?? Well then you’re just too f’n stupid to ever see the light of day if you pledge your allegiance to that political party. I mean in that case you are nothing but a wanna be rich person who has become delusional enough to believe that merely affiliating yourself with my disciples will somehow raise your status much like being seen in public dining or conversing with a rich person. In short, sort of like being allowed to join the country club which you couldn’t conceivably afford the dues as a member and are placated and tolerated by my disciples as long as you continue to cut the grass on the golf course, wash our dishes in the restaurant and/or do the laundry and sweep the floors in our locker rooms. Again in short, you’re just too stupid to even recognize you’re nothing but the manipulated help so long as my disciples don’t actually spit in your face while at the club. Advocate: Well what about those in our military who support the Republican Party? Satan: (Unable to speak through the uncontrollable laughter) Can you even imagine?? I mean they go and do our bidding in far away foreign lands. They actually get to see those backward people up close and very, very personal. They know unequivocally down to the deepest recesses of their souls that those backward people pose absolutely no conceivable (nor even intention) to threaten America nor its citizens nor its borders nor its way of life. Yet our disciples running Raytheon, Halliburton, Exxon-Mobile, etc. send them into those foreign lands in order that our disciples running our private corporate interests can steal the natural resources of those foreign lands with the help of their murder and intimidation. Yet all we have to do in order to get them to pledge their allegiance to us is merely say…….”Thank you soldier for Defending America” (something they already know unequivocally to be complete bullshit) and they’ll readily hand their souls right over to my disciples for express delivery to me. Hahahahahahaa Even I find that a bit hard to digest while simultaneously acknowledging “Man’s willingness and even strong desire to lie to himself”!! A Concerned American ;)
Posted on: Mon, 29 Sep 2014 21:36:02 +0000

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