THE AMERICAN REVOLUTION CONTINUES! Corporations have taken - TopicsExpress


THE AMERICAN REVOLUTION CONTINUES! Corporations have taken control of our government and the American people are fighting back! The first step is to amend the United States Constitution to overturn Citizens United and end the insane ruling that corporations are people - entitled to the same Constitutional rights as human beings. Next is to enact legislation which will eliminate the influence of money in our political system. Sound impossible? In the past three years, 600 cities and towns across the country have passed resolutions and ballot initiatives demanding the amendment. Hundreds more are on the way. The state legislatures of Hawaii, New Mexico, Vermont, Rhode Island, Maryland, California, Massachusetts, Connecticut, New Jersey, West Virginia, Maine, Illinois, Delaware and Oregon have passed bills calling for one, as did voters in Colorado and Montana in November of 2012. Amendment legislation is in process in Minnesota, Washington, New Hampshire, Wisconsin, North Carolina, and Nevada, and under consideration in Texas, Georgia, Arkansas, Kansas, Kentucky, Iowa, Alaska, Pennsylvania and New York. Fourteen bills have been introduced in the U. S. Congress calling for it. IT WILL HAPPEN BECAUSE THE PEOPLE HAVE HAD ENOUGH! We fell short of the required number of signatures to get the measure on last Novembers ballot, but if enough people express interest, were going to try again. If youd like to help collect signatures in an effort to place the question before voters on a future ballot in Grand Rapids, SIGN THE PETITION ON THE HOMEPAGE OF MOVETOAMEND.ORG. This will enter you in the database. Petition circulators need NOT be residents of the City.
Posted on: Sun, 19 Oct 2014 00:09:22 +0000

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