THE ANTICHRIST “Little children, it is the last time: and as - TopicsExpress


THE ANTICHRIST “Little children, it is the last time: and as ye have heard that antichrist shall come, even now are many antichrists; whereby we know that it is the last time.” (1 John 2:18) Antichrist is a word which means more than against Christ it means in the place of Christ. Jesus warned of these who claim to be the true Christ, “For many shall come in my name, saying I am Christ, and shall deceive many.” (Matt. 24:5) Throughout history self-serving deceivers and imposters have come on the scene making such claims. These are seeking to put themselves in Christ’s place and therefore are antichrist types. After the Rapture of the church the world will be in chaos. Financial disaster, worldwide pandemics, starvation brought on by war, and the love of most will grow cold. It can be seen daily as people hate one another. The world will crave a leader; one who can fix their problems and provide their needs. The Bible tells us about this world leader. His title is the Antichrist who is to come. Here is a brief biography of this Beast. He will rise up in the last days out of the sea of Gentile nations which have joined together in a United States of Europe. He is kept in restraint by the Holy Spirit not allowing him to do all that he would like to do. He will have a big mouth speaking blasphemes against the most High God. He will take control of the world with cunning schemes and with political alliances. He will initiate a 7 year peace treaty with Israel which allows them to worship and sacrifice to God. This will be short lived. In 3 ½ years he will violate the treaty by taking his throne in the temple making the claim that he is God. His power will come from Satan. He will require everyone to take the Mark of the Beast. Those who take the mark 666 will forever belong to the devil and face the same eternal judgment of fire. He will make an effort to change the calendar, removing all Christian holidays. He will change laws by acts of executive order. He will deceive the world by broadcasting a counterfeit death and resurrection in an effort to validate his claim as the Christ. Any souls saved in the tribulation will be persecuted and killed. The whole world will worship Antichrist. Those on the earth will be deceived by the master deceiver. The Bible tells us of his fate. He will make war and attempt to defeat the true Christ, but will be defeated by the Word of Christ’s mouth. The defeated antichrist, along with the false prophet will be cast alive into the lake of fire and be tormented forever. Dear reader, I pray that you know the true Christ as your Lord and Savior. Time is running out. All the signs are pointing to the parting of the clouds and the trumpet call of God, whereby the saints will be caught away to meet Christ and our saved loved ones in the air. Are you ready to go? Have you been born twice? Remember this, those who have been born only once (physical birth) will die twice (physical death and eternal judgment). If you have been born twice (physical birth and spiritual birth) you will only have to die once. May the Lord open your ears to hear and your heart to believe in Christ. He is the only way to God’s heaven.
Posted on: Sun, 26 Oct 2014 13:38:16 +0000

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