THE BANE EPISODE 2: THE SHORTRUN “wow! You were really fast - TopicsExpress


THE BANE EPISODE 2: THE SHORTRUN “wow! You were really fast out there. How did you do that?” Chidi remarked though in obvious pretence and irony. “Oh really? Chuks chuckled, rhetoricating. “I was just a bit lucky. That’s all.” “I can’t believe what I saw. Just one night and you guys kissed? That’s ridiculous and mindblowing”. He giggled. “Chop knuckles joor! Idi okay!”. Chuks blushed and laughed out loud returning the knuckle-choping gesture. “You pretty lucky” Chidi added. “You can say that again. we are”. Chuks said with a brief smile. “So what next? Marriage? Or is she another Hit and Run Victim?” “Oh no! ”chuks cut in sharply bridging his brothers comment “she’s not another. Ezinne has come to stay. Permanently. For real.” His words were surely precised and had a sort of fire and passion behind it. He was sincere. He meant it. Though, unsuprisingly this didn’t go down well with chidi who had been having countless insomania because he couldnt take his mind of Ezinne. He’d known his twin brother for lasting only a night with even more beautiful and sophisticated girls back then in university days. Why Ezinne? Why not Perpy Gold his immediate Ex? It troubled him dearly. He was concerned. “okay then, I wish she lasts” Chidi spoke out finally after so many lingering thoughts, knowing fully well he silently prayed she didnt last. “she will” Chuks reassured once more. **** **** **** Two months had gone by in a flash, Chuks and Ezinne had become so entangled in the web of unprecedented love and enviable romance. Meanwhile Chidi was left wallowing in jealousy and self pity. Ezinne’s presence always gave Chidi a surge of nervousness and uncomfortability. Chuks, oblivious to this, though Ezinne had a hunch on this fishy air surrounding chidi. “I fear the way Chidi looks at me lately” Ezinne said calmly, though concern written all over her face. Her words were bald but they held the bottom line. “you mean? Oh common don’t be conclusive dear” he interrupted. “I mean it. He likes me” this time, she came out plain with all seriousness. Chuks laughed. Then He smiled wryly, reaching out for her lips. He kissed them. Passionately with all tenderness he could afford, Her tongue probed hungrily for his, in a fascinating fashion. She felt the gentle tug of his teeth on her earlope and the cloud overhead seemed to whirl. “Chuks! she called out again, unfastening her lips from his. “does he?” “No! he doesn’t .” he said, although perturbed. “He doesn’t even look at you. You need not worry at all dear. He can’t love the girl I love”. He replied bluntly.”but-t-t…”. spontaneously, chuks brushed his lips again with hers. He kissed the nape of her neck, her collarbone, then back to her lips again. She tasted his urge, felt his pulsing blood as it raced through his vessels. Then her mouth covered all of his again, and again. Continuously. His kiss, Chuk’s kiss, was deep, hot, sweet, piercing and tantalizing! Meanwhile, chidi was at the end of the balcony, eavesdropping and peeping in anguish and uncertain emotion. His eyes ached. His stomach rumbled. He was fallowing jealousy. Devasted. But he was calm, cool and composed, and headed back into his room to avoid further heartache! **** **** **** Weeks later, while they were both chilling out at their usual cat fish and ugba joint, both had already sentenced three bottles of Big stout and a plate of delicious ugba each to the prison inside their tommy, A mail suddenly came into Chuk’s phone. “wow! Visa granted!” he jumped, jubilated from one end to another. That moment, Chidi’s phone beeped simultaenously, but to his utmost dismay, the mail read “visa denied!”. He almost fainted. Chuks symphatized with him and even promised to forfeit his own opportunity. That was love. Brotherhood. But chidi jettisoned the idea after the mischievous thoughts of being left alone with Ezinne in Abuja had occured to him instantly. One sole opportunity. Chuks with no other option, agreed oblivious to the evil that besieged his brother had demanded he left for the states. ***** ****** ***** The cab drove straight to the ever busy airport. The daily bustling and buzzing nature was ever Evident. Touts and miscreants disturbing the peace of the whole neigbourhood. “Ezi nwanyi” he mused, though an emotion mixed with joy, tears and fear. The joy of furthering his studies abroad, secondly, the tears of missing Chidi and finally, the fears of leaving Ezinne behind. “My Love” came her soothing soft words as they met his ears, He exhaled slowly. Deliberately letting go of the fury that ravaged him. Fury of leaving Ezinne. His eyes had become even heavier now. He couldn’t talk, his words were heavy and viscous, it couldn’t flow. Then he leaned forward and embraced her as tight as all his muscle could muster, smoothed the hair on her forehead. Tenderly. “I’ll miss you baby” he said finally after a long period of rigorous sobbing and pathetic silence. “And be fine for me” “I’ll be” she managed, then suddenly let out a paroxym of more tears. But they both knew that for the lie it was. She wouldn’t be fine. He wouldn’t be fine. They wouldn’t, maybe it was time they’d the obvious bitter truth. They were parting! “Ill wait for you. No matter how long” she continued in tears. A promise shed just made. A sincere one. Just then, announcements were made for departure. He pecked her, then kissed her briefly. “Chidi please take care of her for me” were Chuks last words. For sure chidi will. He didn’t needed not be reminded, His evil desires were on the verge of materialization, his mind was so euphoric, like that of a kid who had just being bought a box of toys. “I will surely” he assured, hugging him dearly like judas had done before he betrayed his master. And she waved him goodbye. A wave which ended a blissful shortrun and one which had just began an era of crinkum crankum. COMING SOON:..... EPISODE 3: A NEW WORLD TUES, 12TH NOV, 2013! Dnt miss! Coz U just got started! From d pen of: CHINEDU OGU (Author of Beautiful Trouble).
Posted on: Sun, 10 Nov 2013 11:47:15 +0000

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