THE BEST INVESTMENT TO MAKE THIS YEAR By Robert Bake Tumuhaise Before writing this that I consider my message of the year, I first asked myself a provocative question and I will ask you the same: As you left home this morning, did you think of something special you would do differently today that youve never done before so as to qualify to expect the kind of results youve never received before? This question sweetly disturbed my mind as I recalled how the famous scientist Albert Einstein described as insanity the practice of doing the same thing over and over again while expecting different results. So I chose to do dare and something unique whose amazing financial results I will share with you at the GRAND OPENING of the AUTHORS’ FORUM SEASON II (5th Feb) for those who will attend. In life, if one idea has failed, give yourself a chance to try another; don’t remain stuck in one position, doing the same thing over and over again, yet expecting different results. If you’ve been making losses ever since you started a certain business 10 years ago but are still insisting on continuing without changing the strategies, then you are not being persistent but rather stubborn. Persistence is rewarded while stubbornness is punished. I know that there are many people reading this who woke up this morning with financial burdens hanging over their necks and they wished that somehow they could magically land on a sack of money to solve their problems. They would have wished to somehow spot a magical button that they can touch and it opens a tap of money. But is there such a button? I am aware that there are those whose financial problems have become so perennial that they’ve been praying and fasting that somehow a miracle can happen and put everything back to order. I don’t deny that miracles happen (in fact they always happen for me), but I am also aware that even God want us to do something to showcase our faith before miracles can happen for “Faith without action is dead” (says St James). What decision can such a person who is devastated in areas of work, career and finances make today that can change his/her life forever? I cannot not entirely answer this question in this article because that is what I will be sharing in full at the 5th FEB AUTHORS’ FORUM – THE GATHERING OF 400 SUCCESS MINDS. But for the sake of this article, I am going to share part one of those crucial aspects of what such a person can do – which is investing in people. You can never go wrong when you invest in offering value to people. If you are employed or are doing business, the first question you should ask yourself is whether you are giving real value to people or whether you are just cheating and coning them. If you want financial freedom, give value. Don’t just give value; give excellent value that will leave a stamp on people’s hearts. That the type of value I want to give this year; that’s the kind of value WORLD OF INSPIRATION is ready to give you this 2014; that’s the magnitude of value that the AUTHORS’ FORUM is giving you starting 5th Feb 2014. It is not a fact that when you stop running after money and instead concentrate on offering people value that improves their lives, money will begin running after you. Even if you hide in the forest, once you have something unique that you are offering humanity, people will make a footpath up to where you are. When I joined business, the first two years were severely trying financially. Because I had limited resources, I would choose between boarding a taxi (and have no lunch that day) and having lunch (and then walking). During that period I made a decision that the day I buy a car I will always never drive my car empty while bypassing people who are looking for transport means to go where I am heading. So last week I saw 3 ladies and a man on the roadside looking stranded and I asked them to join me and I drop them where to town. Upon arrival, they wanted to pay but I told them that I was doing it for God. One of the ladies, who had a kid, shed a tear as she explained that had I not assisted them she was prepared to miss lunch because she had been left with only transport fare. Imagine the joy I felt! I cannot begin listing the benefits I’ve got from giving value society which from the business angle or from the charity angle. This 2014, I encourage you to make blessing other people through your work or business a priority and you will see the fruits. The best investment to do this year is the investment in people; somehow, these people will pay you back by buying your products, recommending your services, giving you advice, warning you of impeding danger or notifying you of opportunities. And now that you’ve invested your time in reading this lengthy article (those who are not desperate enough for success did not read up to this point), I am inviting you to the GRAND OPENING of the AUTHORS’ FORUM SEASON II on 5th Feb 2014, starting 5:30pm at the National Theatre. One of the guest speakers to grace this magnetic event, dabbed ‘TRIPLING YOUR PRODUCTIVITY IN 2014’, is Dr. Jane Kengeya, a Ugandan doctor who has succeeded in almost every conceivable way. Having been born in a banana plantation, amidst absolute poverty, she has risen to the topmost careers in the world (to the point of serving as Policy Analyst for World Health organization). There will also be another surprise guest to electrify you with time-tested principles to apply and change your level of productivity this year. But then as I promised, I will also be personally sharing with you keys that have made me more than triple my productivity each year (I am sure you have never heard what I am preparing to share because it was out of my own discovery). I will explain how you can use the principle of leverage in your work in a new way – to minimize the resources (such as time, money or energy) you use and yet reap maximum benefits (i.e. put in less and yet get more). I and the entire WORLD OF INSPIRATION team wish you to maximize your productivity this 2014 so that it will go down in history that this year was your turning point. I have no doubt this is the year for the take-off and consolidation for everyone who is part of the AUTHORS’ FORUM. The entrance fee to the event is 40,000 UGX and with it you receive both an entry ticket and a free autographed copy of ‘THE HERO WITHIN’, a great inspirational book written by our Celeb Guest, Dr. Jane. As I type this, we have less than 100 tickets left; Call 0414691595 / 0774107287 /0700487768 to book your attendance TODAY! You can also reach Bake, our MD, via his email: inspiredbake@gmail or visit WORLD OF INSPIRATION office (Luwum Street, MM Plaza T33). NB: If you don’t share this message with all your friends, relatives, colleagues and every other person you know, then it will be evidence that you didn’t learn this article’s key lesson – investing in people. Till then, I wish you and inspired and result-filled time!
Posted on: Wed, 22 Jan 2014 07:22:49 +0000

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