THE BIBLE DESCRIBES WHOEVER DOESNT BELIEVE IN THE EXISTENCE OF GOD AS A MAD PERSON. I couldnt really remember what I was doing when what you are abo-.-ut :-) to read crossed my mind and the Holy Spirit instructed me to share it ? among the people. Is it not a statement of fact that it is only a mad person that will conclude in his/her mie mnd that there is no God? Even the moof the fst e-oviant of any of the religions of he world would Onos that there must be a unique being who oversees the affairs of man in all aspects of his existence. To deny the existence of such a being must be an act of simple but pure madness indeed. Let us consider three sure examples out of many that stare us in the face. 1. Who would ever believe that a former Head of State in this country could be jailed and condemned to death for a coup attempt that everyone knew was to silence the most critic of that Abacha regime? Is it not God who said in Rvelation Chapter 3 that He is the only one who can open a door that cant be closed again by anybody or that He closes door that no Jupiter can ever open? Today, we have the jadbiled person in our midst who is yet to learn from the mistake of the past that almost sniff the life out of him, by his junior officer 2. Story had it that Abacha who was to sign the execution order of this former Head of State died even before reporting for duty that day. Is it not on record that Obj could have been executed if not that God had a plan for his life? Though Objs case was not the first of person that would come from prison to presidency. J J Rawlins of Ghana or late Mandela of South Africa is there but Obj was a former Head of State. God shamed his critics and made him a president of two terms with an aborted third term agenda. That is not really our concern here but to confirm that God actually exists and He designed the destiny of man before we were born. No wonder He told us that many are the afflictions of the righteous but God will surely deliver them of all. 3. Another point to buttress the existence of God is the enthronement of our current President who claimed that he never had shoes nor bags when he started school and God in His wisdom had written that at a point in his journey through life, he would also become the President of his country. Can you see God at His best, not His best but at work? This our God is awesome. Let us look at some similarities of the two Presidents. a. They both got people who died before they could get to their destination in life. It is not strange. God had to kill Pharaoh and his soldiers before the Israelites could enjoy the freedom God got for them through Moses. Herod had to go before Jesus could start His ministry proper. There so many examples both in the bible and life itself. b. One misused the opportunity God gave to him in his second coming, one as a Head of State in military regime and as a civilian President. He should have improved upon what he did under military when he became a civilian President but I think God only wanted to prove to us that He is the only one who had real power to take anothers life. Not this type of wanton killings by Book Haram peoples. The current President too has been given the opportunity to prove a point, that education is meant to grant any person who seeks knowledge an advantage over others but Jonathan is yet to let us known that. You can fill in the gaps too. Merry Xmas to all of us.
Posted on: Thu, 25 Dec 2014 19:12:02 +0000

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