*THE BOOK OF ESTHER* What a tremendous book ive just completed: - TopicsExpress


*THE BOOK OF ESTHER* What a tremendous book ive just completed: The story ends right where it began, but completely reversed. We have the same king and the same city we started with. But Vashti is no longer Queen. Instead, a humble young Jewish girl, Esther is Queen. And proud Haman is no longer second in command, and his plan to wipe out the Jews led to his own destruction. Instead of Haman, the loyal Mordecai was raised up, bringing peace and prosperity to the Persian empire So who are you, Haman, Mordecai and Esther? None of us want to be Haman. But yet we sometimes behave like him. Doing whatever it takes to get our desires moved forward. No matter who it hurts. That is backstabbing, scheming, plotting, planning, doing whatever we need to,at work to make sure we get that promotion. Self-centred, revealing pride and arrogance. But as we have seen, pride comes before destruction. We dont want to be like that. We want to be like Esther and Mordecai. They simply did what was asked of them. They humbly and courageously went about their business, obeying God and doing what was right. And God, in His own timing and in His own way, raised them up to positions of honor and prominence that nobody could have ever imagined God will do that for you too, if you follow His ways, and wait for His timing, and trust Him with your life and your decisions. #REMEMBER to P.U.S.H ( pray until something happens ) Why??? Because if you take notice the Name of God is never metioned in this book. Yet they ( Jews ) definitely did pray and fast and God surely did answer in marvellous ways. So though He is not Named He is obviously active behind the scenes #God-bless-you!
Posted on: Wed, 30 Oct 2013 12:05:00 +0000

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