THE CHANGES Washington, D.C. will always be a city of constant - TopicsExpress


THE CHANGES Washington, D.C. will always be a city of constant change. The city has experienced many changes in the street layout that can be grouped in stages. Each stage has added new symbols to the original Plan. The next few pages illustrates the changes in the streets of Washington over the past 200 years. The LEnfant-Ellicott stage was started on April 15, 1791 and was finished in 1799. Congress moved to town the following year. On Saturday, November 22, 1800 the Congress met for the first time in Washington at a joint meeting in the Senate Chamber of the unfinished Capital Building. President Adams made a speech at this first meeting. ... it would be unbecoming the representatives of this nation to assemble for the first time in this solemn temple, without looking up to the Supreme Ruler of the Universe and Imploring His blessing. Why did Adams refer to the Senate wing of the unfinished Capital building as a temple? THE BATTLE WITH THE BRITISH IN 1814 The attack on Washington, D.C. by the British was the only time the Capital of United States was invaded since its conception. On August 24, 1814 the British began their destruction that went on through the night and the next morning. Only the Patent Office was spared destruction because Dr. Thornton convinced them to burn what would be useful to all mankind, would be as barbarous as formerly to bum the Alexandrian Library, for which the Turks have since been condemned by all enlightened nations. But, on August 25 a great storm blew up, putting out the fires and driving out the invaders. According to Mary Ingle, thirteen at the time; I well remember the terrific tornado which drove the enemy in haste to their ships, from which [hey were in dread of being cut off... The sky changed from the peculiar leaden hue portending a wind storm, into almost midnight blackness. Then came the crash and glare on incessant thunder and lightning, and the wild beating of the rain ........ Later we encountered a group of British officers taking a last drink from the old pump. Great God, Madam! said Admiral Cockburn, is this the kind of storm to which you are accustomed in this infernal country? No, sir, was the reply; this is a special interposition of Providence to drive our enemies from the city. Not so, Madam, he answered; it is rather to aid them in destruction of your city. With this parting shot the Red Coats galloped off and disappeared forever from the Nations Capital.
Posted on: Sun, 10 Nov 2013 12:33:42 +0000

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