THE CRYING HOUSE OF KALLI He wakes up for fajr prayer and headed - TopicsExpress


THE CRYING HOUSE OF KALLI He wakes up for fajr prayer and headed for mosque, after observing his nafila at home. He stayed back for the usual prescribed dua, afraid to go back home because he left no penny on his pocket for Zara ( his wife) to prepare breakfast for the kids, after going to bed the previous night with half empty belly. Lucky enough he taxed a neighbour, who forgot a hundred Naira note on his breast pocket (thanks to the transparent nature of his jallabiya). The 100 bucks is worth more than a grand at such material time. Back home he met Zara, hands akimbo, standing with a frowned face pretending to acknowledge his entrance, not minding her, he handed Bintu his first daughter, the swindled, extorted money to go and buy kosai (beans cake). While still holding tight to his tajwu (rosary bit) subconsciously reciting istigfar. A harsh knock at the door brought Kalli back to reality. He shouted who is it? suddenly the voice of the regular water vendor (mai-moya) dawned on him, his weekly pay is long overdue. Suuwana he cursed. Confronting him with an expressionless face, he said to him ka dawo da yamma (come back in the evening), the vendor left, murmuring incorrigible words. The errand Binta returns empty handed, crying Baba i lost the money you gave me! Upon hearing the sorry revelation, Fatima, her junior; his favorite, named after her granny, started crying too, in protest of her crouching hunger. Out of control Kalli shouted at Binta, little Massa startled from the fury in his fathers tone, also loose control and cry foul. Too skeptical to go to Abors shop because the credit book is full of his unsettled debt. Out of frustration, Kalli Jerk the door open and ventures out for possible solution, as the house turns chaotic. He came face to face with his landlords caretaker, Barrister Iya yi. Wearing a fake smile, he shook Kalli disdainfully while holding a concealed envelop on his left hand. It was a letter of summons by the rent tribunal for onward ejection, having failed previous notices. Bouncing back into the house, he met Zara, eavesdropping at the entrance, she heard everything, then suddenly she burst into tears because of the ensuing humiliation. Kalli could not hold much longer, so he follow suit. The children are crying, the mother is crying so also the head of the house is also crying. Amidst the escalating pandemonium Kallis phone rang, reluctantly he answered hello it was Mommodu, his kid brother, at the other end informing him with greater sense of anxiety that maa (his aged mother) collapsed and was rush to a hospital by some curious Samaritans, but the neck-tiered doctor could not attend to her unless an outstanding bill in her file is cleared. Again, in a much louder sound, the crying continuous in the house of kalli. AUZU BILLAHI MINAL FAKKAR! NB: This is the economic status of a redundant citizen. Being a victim of social and economic injustice by the government. The piece is a satirical attempt to expose heinous misdeeds. All the characters and the story is a work of fiction. Any resemblance to real life is highly regreted
Posted on: Mon, 22 Sep 2014 00:38:12 +0000

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