THE DEMOLITION DERBY FORCE - IN ROBERTS LIARDON’S BOOK - “GOD’S GENERALS”- PAGE 50 “We are not called to give up. We are called to obey God at whatever cost and to let success answer our critics. If it seems you have hit a hard place in your life or ministry, don’t whine and complain. Don’t offer your reasons for it. Pray! Explanations and excuses rob us of strength and power. Don’t shake your head and run. Use the Authority that has been given you through Jesus and overthrow the demonic powers that blind the people. Through prayer, take authority and make a clear path for the Spirit of God to minister to the hearts of the people. Sister Etter groomed her spirit through prayer producing invincible strength. She was known as a revivalist who could break towns open.” Roberts Liardon. I’m going to meet with Roberts in two weeks and he said that he is going to bring copies of everything that he has on my great, great, great grandmother Maria Woodworth-Etter. So I hope I can share some of the things that he will give me. Jack L. Welch
Posted on: Thu, 25 Jul 2013 17:47:52 +0000

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