THE DUTIES OF MURID (student) TO MURSHID (master). 1. The Murid - TopicsExpress


THE DUTIES OF MURID (student) TO MURSHID (master). 1. The Murid should not harbor any objections against the Murshid. This would cause the Murid destruction if the Murid has some doubt about the Murshid. He should keep in mind the example of Hazrat Khidr (alaihis salaam) because he did things that were apparently quite objectionable, for example, making a hole in the boat belonging to poor people and taking the life of an innocent child. It later became apparent that these actions were justifiable. Similarly, the Murid should be convinced that even if some of the Murshid’s deeds do not seem appropriate, the Murshid knows better and he has justifiable reasons for his actions. 2. The Murid will not benefit from his Murshid unless he (the Murid) is convinced that from all the Saints of the time, his Murshid is most advantageous to him. 3. One should become a Murid for the sole purpose of purifying one’s heart. To achieve Faiz (Grace) from one’s Murshid, one’s intentions and heart must be clear. 4. If a fellow Murid gains more spiritual benefit from the Murshid then one must not envy or grudge him. This will lead him or her to Jahannam. Allah Ta’ala endowed Nabi Adam (alaihis salaam) with such a high status that he asked all the Angles to prostrate to him. Shaitaan, due to his jealousy refused and was thrown into Jahannum. If someone has more worldly possessions than we do, we should be thankful that we have fewer burdens than he does. If someone is greater than you are spiritually, you should recognize his greatness by reverence. Envy is actually an affront to Almighty Allah Who has given him more grace. 5. All doubts and hesitations must be revealed to the Murshid because the Murshid is a spiritual healer. To conceal any illness from the doctor (healer) would result in self-destruction. 6. It is incumbent upon the Murid to regard his Murshid with utmost respect and reverence. If one attends the Majlis (gathering) of his Murshid, but does not really respect him, he will be punished. Allah Ta’ala will render the heart of such a person devoid of truth and he will becomes oblivious of Allah Ta’ala. According to some Saints, it is said that when a Murid is disrespectful towards his Murshid, then the Nur (light) of Imaan (Faith) is snatched away from him. 7. It is recommended that the Murid kiss the Murshid’s hands, feet, hair, clothing, etc. The Ahadtih and the conduct of the Noble Companions (radi Allahu anhum) support this practice. Hazrat Zar’ah (radi Allahu anhu), who was from the delegation of Abdul Qais, narrates: When we arrived in Madina we hurried from our transport so that we could kiss Nabi’s (sallal laahu alaihi wasallam) feet and hands. (Mishkaatul Masaabih) 8. A Murid should not expect to see any miracles from his Murshid. Diligent obedience/ observance of the Shari’ah and his continuous authentic Silsila (chain) is a sufficient requirement for the Murshid. Karamat is not a precondition for Wilaayat. 9. The Murid should be like a deceased (corpse) in front of his Murshid. As a lifeless person is completely at the mercy of those performing his bath/Ghusal, so should the Murid place himself before the Murshid. The Murshid has to guide his disciple through the thorny path of Tariqah. If the Murid is alive he is actually interfering in the tasks of the Murshid. 10. When the Murid is in the company of his Murshid, he should maintain an order similar to that when one is amongst sharks and beasts. The Mureed must not look at the poverty of the Murshid or think low of his lineage. He must not doubt the Ibaadah (worhsips) of the Murshid since he cannot see the heart of the Murshid or cross any limitation set by the Murshid. (Al Fathur Rabbani)
Posted on: Sun, 01 Dec 2013 16:14:37 +0000

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