THE END OF THE SEARCH, THE BEGINNING OF NOW The Angel that presided oer my birth Said, Little creature, formd of Joy and Mirth, Go, love without the help of any Thing on Earth. - William Blake When I do not recognise who I am, I look to the world (time, space, objects, substances, people) to relieve, complete and finalise something called a Me. I reject everything that is seen as a threat to the completeness of the Me. I go to war with present experience in the hope of a future salvation, believing that present resistance will lead to future fulfilment. I live in time and longing. But in recognising myself as the wide open space of awareness that unconditionally embraces all form, as the vast ocean of Being in which every wave of thought, emotion and perception is deeply allowed to arise and fall, I see that the world of time and space CANNOT complete me, NOR can it make me incomplete, for my completeness is always built-in and cannot be gained or lost! I live prior to time, in the eternal Now, which is Home. Here, at Home, I am unconditionally free to fearlessly love the appearance of things, those fleeting, precious dances of form known as world; to perfectly embrace this world in all its apparent imperfection, to love others for exactly what they are, not for what I hoped or wanted them to be. I discover true fulfilment and ease in this moment, exactly as it is, prior to any additives. The addictive cycle is ended, and I rest deeply in lifes unconditional embrace, falling into the warmth...
Posted on: Fri, 31 Jan 2014 13:08:42 +0000

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