THE FACE IN THE CLOUD!!! Followers of the message of William - TopicsExpress


THE FACE IN THE CLOUD!!! Followers of the message of William Branham have two versions of the actual story around the cloud on Sunset Mountain If you were deceived into the message before 1992, you would believe and understand that the seven angels appeared to Brother Branham while he was hunting with some friends and as they were leaving him, they left this cloud in the sky. If you were deceived into the message after 1992, you would probably believe and accept the sequence of events as described after the history of the message was changed by people like Rebekah Branham-Smith and Pearry Green. However, that is not what I want to point out on this post. There is one element that is never discussed. This is what William Branham says about it: And that is a perfect identification again, a vindication that this Message is the truth. Interestingly, after the cloud appeared and no one connected to the message including the prophet knew anything about it. Exactly 10-11 weeks passed before anyone close to the message realised that something mysterious took place and they missed it. Via courtesy of the scientist, James McDonald, William Branham discovered that angels visited him. Instead of being honest, and tell the truth, he decided to go for broke and hope the people will buy his story. And they did. James McDonald was painted as a crazy scientist who did not know what he was talking about, while the VINDICATED prophet took all the credit for this mysterious cloud. The story evolved from, It happened about the same time as we were there, to I was standing right under that cloud when the scientists took the photo of it. We know today, it was never true. The cloud story is a hoax. But that is not what this post is about. I want to discuss THE FACE IN THE CLOUD. On April,18, 1965 in a message IT IS THE RISING OF THE SUN, William Branham made this statement: 1-8 Realizing that our time is limited here, especially for those friends who are listening in by this telephone, I would like to call your attention this morning to a--a picture that some time ago was taken by the camera of a vision that I had here at the Tabernacle of leaving Indiana to Arizona, where I was to meet in the form of a pyramid, seven Angels. Not knowing what would happen, later when I got there, thinking it was the end of my life, that no one could stand the blast... (And Im sure all of you are acquainted with the story.) And then in Sabino Canyon one morning like this, while in prayer, there had been a sword placed in my hand and said, This is the Word and--the Sword of the Word. Later the Angels appeared as was prophesied. And at the same time, a great cluster of--of Light left to where I was standing and moved thirty miles high in the air and around the circle, like the wings of the Angels, and drawed into the skies a shape of a pyramid in the same constellation of Angels that appeared. 2-2 Science took the picture all the way from Mexico as it moved from northern Arizona, where the Holy Spirit said I would be standing (forty miles northeast of Tucson). And it went into the air, and Life magazine packed the pictures: a mystic something way in the spheres where there can be no moisture, where there can be no evaporations of anything, thirty miles high and twenty-seven miles across and coming right up from where those Angels were. Now, they asked to know (science); the--one of them at Tucson wanted to know any significance, but I didnt tell them. You all knew it told beforehand, but it wasnt for them; it was for you. 2-4 And so there He spoke to me and said, The Seven Seals will be opened. The seven mysteries, sevenfold mystery of the Bible thats been closed up since the foundation of the world will be revealed. And we, yet a humble little group compared with all the world, weve enjoyed these blessings and hearing those mysteries: Marriage, Divorce, Serpents Seed. All those different questions has been completely revealed to us, not by man but by God Himself, thats opened those seven mysteries of what the church was, how it was in Christ at the beginning, and how it would be revealed in the last day. And now, as this went up... We have the picture outside on the plaque. But then... I have the picture laying present here, if you notice it as Life magazine had it. But I wonder if my audience visible here has ever really looked at the picture (See, see?) in the way it should be? 3-1 You remember, I was preaching when this vision came, upon the subject of the Book of the Revelations where the old judges, where we seen Jesus in Revelations 1. When we started to open the Seven Seals--or the--or the church ages, rather, just prior to the opening of the Seven Seals, Christ was standing with hair like wool, white; and I described that to you that the old English judges and judges of long ago, when they went to the bench to be sworn in, their supreme authority was given them; they wore a white wig, as it was, over their heads to show their supreme authority. 3-2 Well, if youll turn the picture like this and look (and you can probably see it from the audience), its Christ. See His eyes looking here just as perfect as it could be, wearing the white wig of supreme Deity and Judge of all heavens and earth? Can you see His eyes, nose, His mouth? Just turn the picture from this (the way they had it), this a-way, the way its supposed to be. And you... Can you see it? He is supreme Judge; theres none other but Him. And that is a perfect identification again, a vindication that this Message is the truth. It is true. And making Him, not a third person, but the only Person with the white... See, you see the dark, His face, His beard, and His eyes? And notice, Hes looking; from Him comes this Light shining on the right-hand side to which Hes looking to. And on the cross thats where He looked, to the right, where He pardoned the sinner. In the light of His resurrection we still go forth in His Name. And Pearry Green made this statement: The Life Magazine May,17th, 1963 photo cloud is the most original photo of the cloud that has been available to Message believers. From the evidence of the photo, the cloud possessed no facial features whatsoever. When Brother Branham first attributed facial features to the cloud (eyes, nose, mouth) in the sermon It is the Rising of the Sun preached on April,18, 1965, he was not looking at the original Life Magazine photograph, but rather at a brownish/white duotone (halftone) replica of the Life Magazine color picture that Brother Pearry Green had had made by Shirley Abott Studios of Beaumont, Texas in 1964, a company that had no relationship to the Message or Message believer at all. It appears likely that deficiencies in the reproduction process created areas of rogue shading on the duotone that were not present in the original picture, and which fortuitously occurred in just the right areas to suggest two eyes and a nose before spreading further to the left to cover half the width of the replica (as viewed when the print is orientated to mimic the upright human head). Similarly, it is not known for certain how facial features came to appear on the reproduction of the Life Magazine cloud photograph that was featured on the front cover of the Science Magazine of April 1963. However, the irregularities were consistently parallel in appearance and extended well beyond the cloud profile, suggesting that they were due to technical defects. My question then: Two years after the cloud appeared in the sky, suddenly the face of the Supreme Judge is seen in the cloud after some help from people with their own agenda. The prophet falls for the trick and then commit the ultimate error of judgement. He declares this discovery of a face in the cloud as THE PERFECT IDENTIFICATION and A VINDICATION that the message is the truth. What is clearly Fraud and Corruption becomes the identification and vindication that the message is true??? Please open your eyes and look at this and then may God help you to see that this message is built on lies. God bless
Posted on: Mon, 18 Aug 2014 08:18:13 +0000

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