THE FALSE TEACHING THAT A MANDATORY 10 PERCENT TITHE ORIGINATED WITH MELCHIZEDEK THAT JUSTIFIES A MANDATORY 10 PERCENT TITHE TODAY UNDER GRACE. By Lagrant Anthony The “10 percent combat fee” paid to Melchizedek (Mel) was an “one time” payment made by Abraham to Mel in consideration for Mel’s men assisting Abraham in a battle.... Continue Reading THE FALSE TEACHING THAT A MANDATORY 10 PERCENT TITHE ORIGINATED WITH MELCHIZEDEK THAT JUSTIFIES A MANDATORY 10 PERCENT TITHE TODAY U... Continue Reading THE FALSE TEACHING THAT A MANDATORY 10 PERCENT TITHE ORIGINATED WITH MELCHIZEDEK THAT JUSTIFIES A MANDATORY 10 PERCENT TITHE TODAY UNDER GRACE. By Lagrant Anthony The “10 percent combat fee” paid to Melchizedek (Mel) was an “one time” payment made by Abraham to Mel in consideration for Mel’s men assisting Abraham in a battle.... Continue Reading THE FALSE TEACHING THAT A MANDATORY 10 PERCENT TITHE ORIGINATED WITH MELCHIZEDEK THAT JUSTIFIES A MANDATORY 10 PERCENT TITHE TODAY UNDER GRACE. By Lagrant Anthony The “10 percent combat fee” paid to Melchizedek (Mel) was an “one time” payment made by Abraham to Mel in consideration for Mel’s men assisting Abraham in a battle. The 10 percent payment Abraham paid to Mel was a fee “earned” by Mel. It was not a payment ordained or mandated by God. This 10 percent payment was not something that Abraham had been paying Mel beforehand. The 10 percent tithe given to Mel by Abraham was in APPRECIATION for the assistance Mel had given to Abraham in defeating a common enemy. The 10 percent tithe was a JUST AND EQUITABLE DIVISION of material wealth obtained from a battle that Melchizedek men and Abraham fought togheter. The 10 percent merely represented an equitable division of the spoils of war. It would have been unjust and selfish for Mel not to receive an equitable share of the wealth and resources obtained from the battle. Abraham’s willingness to share the spoils of war with Mel was a righteous act. The 10 percent tithe given to Mel by Abraham came from the spoils gained in this one battle and represented payment for a SPECIFIC JOB/COMBAT FEE. The 10 percent paid by Abraham to Mel was not a mandate prescribed by God. Abraham was not paying a 10 percent tithe to Mel before this battle, as God commanded the Israelites to pay tithes to the Levitial priesthood. Nor did this one time combat fee establish a mandatory 10 percent tithe to priests that came from the seed of Abraham who served God under grace. Neither Moses nor Jesus Christ collect a 10 percent mandatory tithe. Show me in the bible were God commanded that Mel receive a mandatory 10 percent tithe or that priests who came after Mel were entitled to the same. You can not because the “one time” 10 per cent payment made by Abraham to Mel was for a combat service provided by Mel. The 10 percent tithe given to Mel was a one time equitable division of riches obtained from a battle. The 10 per cent tithe given to Mel by Abraham was a “righteous” reward given to Mel. This 10 percent tithe was an equitable disposition of the spoils of war. This 10 percent tithe was a one time payment. It was not an NEVERENDING FEEDING FRENSY that we now see engaged in by Christian prosperity preachers and pagan Christian Churches. Mels participation in this battle did not establish an --ongoing law-- that required everyone to pay Mel or priests thereafter from the seed of Abraham a 10 percent tithe. Please show me otherwise in the bible. When men say Christ was of the order of Mel.....under grace....they can not honestly say, this means subsequent priests from the seed of Abraham are entitled to receive a 10 percent tithe as Mel did; because Mel was neither entitled to receive a perpetual 10 percent tithe nor received a mandatory 10 percent tithe from Abraham. That is like saying your former employer is obligated to continue paying you after you quit your job. Your employer is only obligated to pay you for the services you provided your employer. Obliviously your employer is not obligated to pay you or your descendants a ----perpetual wage---- because ONCE UPON A TIME IN THE PAST, one of your ancestors was paid a wage by your employer as compensation for a specific job your ancestor performed for the employer. Christ is in the ORDER OF MEL regarding RIGHTEOUSNESS, GRACE and FAITH. This means as Mel was considered by God to be righteous by his faith through the grace of God; Christ and those that believe in Christ are accounted to be righteous by God because of their faith in Christ through the grace of God. Moses and the Israelites while in the wilderness lived under grace as Mel. However Moses did not collect a mandatory 10 tithe in the wilderness. This ORDER OF THE PRIESTHOOD of Mel--- has nothing what so ever to do with the --man made doctrine and false precept—that dictates a mandatory 10 percent tithe that allegedly originated with Mel being PAID A ONE TIME COMBAT FEE. The 10 percent was payment for Mels assistance in a specific battle. This 10 percent payment can not be used to establish a NEW DOCTRINE OF PERPETUAL MONETARY PAYMENTS TO PRIESTS FROM THE SEED OF ABRAHAM THAT SERVE GOD UNDER GRACE AS MEL; nor to justification that a 10 percent tithe be paid to preachers today as the will of God. SCRIPTURE SHOWS CHRIST NOR ANY OF HIS DISCIPLES COLLECTED A 10 PERCENT MANDATORY TITHE. WE ALL KNOW THE PRIESTHOOD OF CHRIST IS THROUGH THE GRACE OF GOD AS WAS MEL. WHY DID CHRIST NOT COLLECT A MANDATORY 10 TITHE FROM HIS DISCIPLES AND THOSE THAT BELIEVED ON HIM; BECAUSE THERE NEVER WAS A 10 PERCENT MANDATORY TITHE UNDER MEL COMMANDED BY GOD. The 10 percent tithe paid to Mel by Abraham was an equitable, just and unselfish distribution of the spoils of a battle won by the men of Mel and Abraham. THE FALSE PRECEPT OF A MANDATORY 10 PERCENT TITHE BASED UPON A ONE TIME COMBAT FEE” PAYED TO MEL BY ABRAHAM DOES NOT SUBSTANUATE A MANDATORY 10 TITHE TO PREISTS BORN OF THE SEED OF ABRAHAM. IT SHOULD BE NOTED THAT THIS MANDATORY 10 PERCENT PRIESTHOOD TITHE WAS NEVER COMMANDED BY GOD BUT BY MEN. AS SUCH, THE MANDATORY ---10 PERCENT COST TO BE A CHILD OF GOD--- IS NOTHING LESS THAN THE FINANCIAL EXPLOITATION OF THE MOST HIGHS PEOPLE. GOD IS LOOKING. BE CAREFUL. LikeLike · · Share
Posted on: Sun, 28 Sep 2014 21:04:20 +0000

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