THE FINAL BATTLE. I have shared my thoughts and hopes with my - TopicsExpress


THE FINAL BATTLE. I have shared my thoughts and hopes with my Facebook friends regarding Scottish independence for a long time now; inspired as I was to write by the indefatigable Chris Law from Dundee. He has done so much for the cause and continues to do so with the Spirit of Independence touring Scotland engaging Scots with the need for independence. Im sure his efforts will not be forgotten. Despite two years of campaigning, and despite everything that has been said, it disgusts me that some people in Scotland still say they are undecided on the issues. The White Paper is the most detailed blueprint for independence ever produced by any political movement answering every point of what an independent Scotland would do and how it could be achieved. Those so called undecided Scots have not bothered to find the answers to questions for themselves preferring to sit in front of their TV expecting to get their answers from that. You know the scenario, if its not on the six oclock news it cant be true. Ask any undecided or No voter if they would give their lottery win away to their neighbour because he tells them that he knows best how to spend it? And while your at it let him keep all his filthy junk in your back yard as well. You know what their answer would be. Catholics, Protestants, Muslims, Hindus and Jews all use the same door at the job centre and Social security office. It doesnt matter what football team you support, what colour you are, or where you were originally from. When your unemployed and getting poorer all suffer equally. When an opportunity comes along to alleviate your situation and help you out of your present state, all should grab it because ALL will benefit. That is what a YES vote is, and opportunity for ALL Scots, new and old to have a chance of a better life and escape the certainty of a lesser life under Westminster rule. Do you really think Westminster will look more kindly upon Scotland and improve the lot of our poorer people just because we reject independence? Not a chance. It is difficult for any politician to convince people who are so ambivalent to their own future and prospects that they cannot be bothered to find out if their lives and the lives of their family would be improved by independence. The fact that their lives have already been helped by devolution and by the advocacy of the SNP government in Holyrood obviously doesnt register with them. If the Scottish government had access to all of Scotlands fiscal input including export taxes much more could be done to help our people. All it needs is for the Scottish people to give the YES campaign their mandate with a YES vote, and an even more altruistic society would become a reality. There are still some Scottish people who must wake up from their malaise and indolence borne from apathy after 307 years of London rule. Political ambivalence has become a way of life for those Scots. The English cannot outvote the Scots on this issue because this is for the Scots to decide alone. That is the key to success in this independence campaign and why we must not fail. We can win this referendum, because it is our future we are voting for. Scotland within the Union is no more than a colony and this is why. A colony is when a foreign power has total dominion over your life and your country. They impose taxes upon you that you dont agree with, control your civil service and police, takes your natural resources for themselves without compensation, uses your people to swell their army and use them as cannon fodder. They use your ports and land to do with what they like, and you have no say or power to stop them. Scotland is such a colony, with 59 MPs out of 650, Scotland has no influence in government decisions, and that is exactly how the Union was meant to be. The English MPs get so worked up about the original Red Tory, Tam Dalyells, so called West Lothian question about Scottish MPs voting on English matters when they could no longer vote on Scottish matters after devolution. The irony totally escapes them that they had been deciding on Scottish matters for 300 years. With over 500 English MPs it doesnt matter a damn how the Scots vote and they know it. Make no mistake the English MPs hate Scottish devolution and if we vote No they will take that as a green light to rip the heart out of the Scottish government and return Scotland to where it has always been; under the heal of Westminster. Only the most gullible ill informed person, or someone who has been comatose for forty years will doubt that. We would also be foolish to ignore the threat that UKIP represents to Scotland, and if a No vote is returned we will learn the hard way when they come into their own in England. God help Scotland if the No vote does win, because the Tory bastards sitting in London certainly wont. The greatest prize for an independent Scotland has got to be the end of English Tory rule in Scotland. That has long been a dream of mine, and something I hoped to see someday, because we Scots have suffered enough at their hands. A written constitution guaranteeing the rights of Scots to free health care and social justice will be another great achievement. Currently, Westminster can do what they like with us, like cutting any service and imposing any tax on our people at a whim. The unelected House of Lords never being allowed to legislate for Scotland again will be another great victory for democracy in Scotland. The current SNP government have shown that they have the ability to deliver what the people of Scotland want, so it is now incumbent on us to give them the tools to finish the job by voting YES. Even if you dont like the SNP, after a YES vote we can chose whoever we want to govern our country. Independence WILL improve the lives of all Scots, even those who vote No, and those who think they are so posh that they have to vote Tory. All will benefit in an independent Scotland. Having travelled the world I have seen with my own eyes what an oil rich country can provide for its people. Therefore, we must not be swayed by the negative rhetoric from self serving politicians like Darling who argues that oil is a volatile resource and will soon run out. The Norwegians, and Saudis would laugh at such a statement. New discoveries are being made all the time and the West coast has not even been exploited even though we know there is oil there. Removing Trident will open up new opportunities that the people of the West coast will benefit from, including our shipyards whose skills are second to none. Our oil industry alone will change Scotland beyond recognition. London has been creaming off the oil money for forty years, and its volatility wasnt a problem for them, but they argue it will be for us. Aye Right. Londons gravy train will stop, and what a great day that will be. If Scotland creates a state oil company like Norway did with Statoil, we will benefit from the sale of oil not just the taxes; that is just another possibility with independence. The UK used to have such a state owned company called Britoil and I worked for them for five years until the Tories sold it to BP and everyone was paid off. As far as the Tories are concerned it will always be better that private companies and shareholders benefit from state assets rather than the people of our country. Their philosophy will never change, but an independent Scotland CAN CHANGE all that. Remember and dont forget, oil is a massive bonus for Scotland, not a crutch; we have much more than oil going for us. As we come to the final weeks of the campaign we still have everything to fight for as the Fear Campaign still retain the biggest guns in this war. The BBC and the media all have vested interests in retaining Londons control over Scotland and they will do anything to usurp the will of the Scottish people. They continue to prey upon the fears of the most vulnerable and gullible into accepting that London knows best how to govern Scotland, an idea that is utterly preposterous. In an independent Scotland the Scottish people will choose who governs Scotland NOT the English. That will be something we have never had, not even when we were an independent country as the aristocrats ruled then. The original parcel of rogues that sold Scotland to Englands dominion. Those tenacious Scots who are on the streets, knocking on doors, speaking at town halls throughout Scotland are the real heroes of this YES campaign. Those who refuse to listen passively to the lies being spouted by the likes of Darling, Brown and Murphy without giving them an earful are the bravest of all. The final battle must be won and we must never succumb to the negativity of the soothsayers of doom, or the polls which have consistently been wrong when it comes to Scotland. We know that the overtures of love and perceived brotherhood from many in England is false. The suggestion that we are all happy campers together is a blatant lie. Scotland has never been treated with equanimity by London governments for 307 years and it never will. Their new threats to cut our budget if we vote No, and refuse to buy our energy if we vote YES are not the actions of a friendly power that hundreds of thousands of Scots have fought and died for through the ages, but rather the actions of an aggressor. We must not be intimidated by their threats; the Irish never did and they have thrived since independence despite Londons hostility. Westminster wants us to remain their colony that provides money and a place to store their nukes well away from England, and NOTHING MORE. They are determined to give us less of our own money back if we vote No, and we will be powerless to stop them. We cannot let our people be fooled into thinking we are equal partners in this Union, because we are not. Neither should we be fooled that they will give us extra powers, because they wont. The opposite will be true. Why the hell do you think Cameron refused the Devomax option? We can win this final battle, and we must win to secure a better future for our people. A No vote will be a disaster for Scotland and will result in penury for many and a renewed feeling of hopelessness for others. They will have no chance of a better future under Tory or Red Tory ( masquerading as Labour) Westminster rule. If you want to safeguard the Scottish NHS from the privatisation that is happening in England. If you love your children and want to give them every chance to succeed. If you want to see our poor and elderly treated with dignity and lifted out of poverty. If you want our future generations to grow up in a safe nuclear free country that puts social welfare and justice BEFORE militarism and money making opportunities for the rich. If you want Scotland to be a country of peace, not one that engages in illegal wars to please America. If you want all Scots to share in Scotlands wealth. If you love Scotland, and dont want to feel ashamed calling yourself Scottish if the Nos win, YOU MUST VOTE YES. I have supported the cause for Scottish independence all my life and have never voted for any other party than the SNP. Im proud of that. Throughout that time I have never witnessed such support and enthusiasm from my fellow Scots young and old for independence that I do now. That is a fantastic thing and makes me feel proud. The bottom line for us Scots is that if we want Scotland to be all it can be without impediment, becoming a prosperous country free from English Tory rule, then a YES is essential. You must also persuade others to vote YES, until the last minute of the last day, because there is NO OTHER WAY to win. The prize for victory will be great, and afterwards we can all take pride in the knowledge that we did our bit in the rebirth of Scotland as a sovereign nation. In 2016 we will have our very own Independence Day, and what a great day that will be for Scotland. But first we must win THIS FINAL BATTLE. Alan N McPhail Feel free to share and spread the word.
Posted on: Sat, 30 Aug 2014 08:59:28 +0000

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