THE FINE ART OF HINDU MOBILIZATION BY BJP UNDOUBTEDLY we are rapidly sliding into a sham democracy, an utterly hypocrite secularism and a banana republic. Harsh words? You have to be naive to believe otherwise. [The only mercy is that we are not quite there already. Hence the sense of urgency.] We are all quite familiar with the BJPs vote-gathering tactics. Despite all the non-sense of the Naqvis, Nawazs, Sareshwalas, Asifa Pathans... about a change of heart by Modi and the BJP under him. It remains an utterly communal Hindu Taliban. Minus the religious piety of the bigots across the border. This is how they consolidate their political base: 1. spread hatred against minorities, specially Muslims. Send out well-trained foot soldiers months and years ahead of polls. 2. These soldiers [in the garb of the next door lady, the masterji, the guruji, the doctor uncle, the auntiji..] will raise subjects that touch an emotional chord 3. Then create fear psychosis by citing exaggerated accounts of Muslims real or perceived misdeeds, warning that if not taken seriously, Hindus would be reduced to a minority 4. Do this so much and so well that the crowd is overtaken by utter sense of shame that just 18% Muslims are harassing us 70% Hindus in our own land. 5. Having worked this well, begin to arouse their chivalry within, invoking names like Rana Pratap, Jhansi ki Rani..Urge them to fight the Muslims tooth and nail, at every fora and in every way. Assure them that they can beat the Turks. 6. But do all of this in a manner that technically you can remain out of bounds for the law. Do NOT name BJP once, or seek support for it. Of course, you have already planted a few condescending noises already in the crowd. Leave this to them. 7. Convince the crowd that capturing political power is the only way to honour and salvation 8. Ask them to merge differences of caste and creed and to galvanize around the unifying umbrella of Hinduism. 9. And finally tell the crowd to send only SUCH PEOPLE TO LEGISLATURES AND the PARLIAMENT WHO CAN SAFEGUARD YOUR INTEREST [read BJP]. Four or five such visits and there you have a ripe and ready constituency of fanatic, Muslim hating Hindus voting with their feet for the BJP. For the doubting Thomases, for the suave and hypocrite pseudo-secular ones [whose hate for Muslims is matched by their pretence to secularism and humanism], do drop in the agenda of Development, Sadbhavna, et al, and flaunt some hired beards, skull-caps and burquas - for a pittance. Note that Modi has outsourced political brinkmanship to Amit Shah - who has outsourced communal polarization to Yogi Adiyanath. AND STILL THERE ARE THOSE THAT THINK THAT THEY HAVE FOOLED US INTO BELIEVING THAT MODI HAS TURNED TRULY HUMANE AND SECULAR. Doing business with the PM is one thing [and I am doing this, and will do so, too] but LOVING him, hailing him, forgetting his dark past, and ignoring his cunning present are another. Pray, Indian Muslims, Christians and Sikhs do not organize around their respective bigots. But this is bound to happen sooner than later. Unless good sense prevails upon those that run India, that care for India, those whose bigotry takes a back seat after their patriotism. https://facebook/video.php?v=624627090988164&set=vb.100003226370241&type=2&theater [My apologies to non-Hindi members for this Hindi link. You may perhaps understand the words. Or may someone please summarize it in English] Courtesy: Nishat Khan, elsewhere on this forum.
Posted on: Thu, 11 Sep 2014 17:15:32 +0000

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