THE FLORIDA PANTHER IS ENDANGERED AND ITS ALL OUR FAULT This is how I think we could help preserve the life of the Florida Panther for generations to come and some of the reasons why I think theyre dying out and the fact that we only have ourselves to blame for their demise. Well for one we could create more wildlife preserves and refuges for them to live in peace. Two we can help make sure they arent being hunted for sport or as a trophy and make the offense of poaching more punishable by law. Three their punishment being that they have to be eaten alive by the poor majestic creature they were hunting and slaughtering. Stop industrializing into their habitat and maybe they wouldnt being dying of pollution poisoning their ecosystems and water supply and also vehicular catslaughter. I detest the mistreatment of animals of all types and sizes especially cats, theyre such a majestic creature of nature they deserve to be recognized for it and not hit by a car and tossed to the side of the road and left to die. That is inhumane and where would the humanity be in that. If we dont help them we have lost our sense of humanity but I think we lost that a long time ago, that is why I would rather surround myself with animals more than humans. The animals have more humanity than us and theyre not even human so what does that say about us. Animals dont have problems with greed, corruption, manipulation, chicanery, subterfuge, and betrayal. We have no right to be here, we are just pissing mother nature off, we just have to dominate everything we come into contact with, we have no remorse for what we have done to this world. All we’re doing now is advancing into our own self destruction. The animals of this world, I would say, have more of a right to be here than us, but since we our here, the animals of this world should at least be recognized as equals because in actuality we are all animals. SHARE THIS IF YOU SHARE MY OPINION ON THIS MATTER and the mother panther has a right to be pissed off were invading her territory with this camera and the poor Florida Panther on the street is a perfect example of vehicular catslaughter and vehicular manslaughter isnt acceptable so why should vehicular catslaughter be okay.
Posted on: Thu, 21 Nov 2013 03:13:23 +0000

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