THE FORGOTTEN ONES (MISSIONARIES IN THE MISSION FIELD) Currently some of them are in the villages, with no electricity to even get a bulb lighted, neither any power source to charge their mobile phone that is even for those who have mobile network in their current assignment. Many of them have been neglects by their family because they felt they are living a miserable life, some are graduates, medical doctors, Architects, Engineers they cannot practise their profession because a higher order (God) has requested their service. Some of them are even struggling to send their Children to school, even when they can they cannot get the level of education and the standard they have dreamed for their Children, even omen of them their children are complaining that their parent cannot send them to the type of school they wanted because of the type of environment they are. Oh God have mercy on all of us who have sent men to the battlefield and forgets them there, the greatest challenge is not the world that forgets them, is not the world system that forgets them but the brethren who sent them there, but neglects them there. NO COUNTRY SENT THERE MILITARY MEN INTO WAR AND FORGETS THEM THERE, THEREFORE OUR MILITARY MEN ARE THE MOSSIONARIES WE SHOULD NOT FORGET THEM. Why do we forget them? Is it because they are not with us all the time and therefore we tend to erase them from our mind? Is it because they do not have any financial return since most of their locations are always demanding for fund rather than giving fund to the Headquarters, Is it because their Churches uses wood and shrubs for their structures and we felt when we visit them our clothe might get dirty, is it because their locations are remote and the roads are bad? All these are not genuine reasons to forget our missionaries in the mission field they are our foot soldiers, they are our fore runners, and they are the military men fighting for the cause of the gospel, to ensure nations are saved for the Lord. What are we to do today? Please do you know a missionary on the mission field call him or her on phone today if there is network on in his/her place of assignment, if there is no network write a letter or call on the mission office to help you contact them. I will appreciate you informing us when you have contacted them, share your experience and how happy they are after the call. Also, support them with prayer more than ever before, remember their children and family as well and their mission. Please ensure you support financially the mission and those in leadership should not divert the mission finance for building structure, buying cars etc. Let us emulate the developed nation where the military are the most funded because they are the foot soldiers, the mission should be the most funded because the structure must be occupied by people, and who will bring the people? The missionaries. Always ask after the welfare of the missionaries in the field and when God inspired you to support them please do it, also if you know their parent back home visit them and let them know that their children have men and brethren who loves them. TODAY LET US ENSURE THE MISSIONARIES ARE PART OF OUR DAILY ROUTINES. REMEMBER TO CALL AND PRAY FOR THEM TODAY.EARNESTLY CONTENDING FOR THE FAITH, DELIVERED TO THE SAINTS.
Posted on: Mon, 27 Oct 2014 15:22:29 +0000

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