THE FUGITIVE IN MY PERSPECTIVE: CLASSIC TV DRAMA OF THE 60S. For what ever reason, I didnt watch The Fugtive when it first aired from 1963 to 1967. I was introduced to the show in the 1990s when while visiting my mother and TV Land ran a mega-marathon of the reruns. I was brought into the drama of the plot on the first night. And joined in with my mothers enthusiasm of the show. I didnt sharem however, share her crush on Dr. Kimble (David Janssen). I think he is so handsome!, yes ma the is, and lets get back to the show. I found right off, too, that the Fugitive was a TV show you cant relax either, even though for long stretches absolutely nothing happens, and then into the drama the combination of nonstop tension with the somewhat absence of slam-bang action that attracted me to the Fugitive. Now years later, as I reflect on it, the same combination characterizes the combination of suspense and drama is winning new fans for the Fugitive. And that is good thing. David Janssen as Dr. Richard Kimble is falsely convicted for his wifes murder and sentenced to death. While headed to death row, he escapes custody following a train wreck and begins a cross-country search for a one-armed man. And thus begin drama of the chase, ever changing, new characters each week but anchored by the presence of Dr. Kimble, It has become popularly known as the longest chase sequence in television history. The award-winning show, which aired on ABC from 1963 to 1967 and inspired a 1993 blockbuster movie, still has many devoted fans and is winning new ones as reruns are aired on ME-TV and other networks. Contact your local cable outlet if the Fugitive isnt shown in your area. Co-host of the Fugitive Fan Group, Jean Senn will announce the show each week that airs on Sunday night on ME-TV. Look for this feature and plan ahead to watch Dr. Richard Kimble as the ultimate man in a gray flannel suit, even when he is wearing a windbreaker and walking down a dark, lonely road, but always eluding the Lt Geruard in search of the one-armed man. See you Sunday nights. And the chase is on! Enjoy!
Posted on: Tue, 25 Mar 2014 00:34:05 +0000

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