THE FUNCTION OF MELANIN We have been lead to believe that melanin - TopicsExpress


THE FUNCTION OF MELANIN We have been lead to believe that melanin is simply the biochemical substance that gives our skin, hair and eyes there color. Although these structural characteristics do in fact have life support functional significance, they are only a few of many organizing, unifying and protecting features of the Melanin System. For instance, **melanin’s (misnomered in the singular, melanin) comprise a system in people of Afrikan descent that yields structural-functional perfectness. Truly a blessing and GOD given gift, melanin renders Afrikan people physically, mentally and spiritually flawless; having no defects, deficits or faults, Dermatomelanin (in the derms of the skin), Retinomelanin (in the retina/nerve cell of vision), Iridomelanin (in the iris of the eye), Organomelanin (in the internal organs of the body), Nucleomelain (surrounding protecting the biogenetic subcellular apparatus of human life [DNA and RNA] and Neuromelanin (in the central nervous system/brain and spinal cord) give Afrikan people refined mind, body and soul unification. Neuromelanin mediates the advanced exactness of brain-mind interactions. It coordinates and conjuncts thought, feelings, memory, creativity and imagination. It is the “system†that controls Afrikan people’s sophisticated perception, precisely guiding us into the true and otherwise hidden nature of things. Neuromelanin facilitates the transfer of chemicals through the nervous system thus speeding nerve impulses throughout the brain. Our awareness of the environment is made possible by the integrated function of the nervous system tissue. Neuromelanin enhances both the excitability and conductivity to give us an optimal level of performance. This facilitation process has the effect of find tuning Afrikan people’s sense of smell, taste, touch, sight and hearing. Moreover, neuromelanin makes accurate our “having a feeling about†quality. What is most, the “Melanin System†is responsible for facilitating Afrikan people direct knowledge and awareness of the God-Force.
Posted on: Thu, 25 Sep 2014 18:11:16 +0000

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