THE FUTURE WELCOMES YOU....HERE. IT. IS. DISCLAIMER: Please watch at full screen, HD, with GOOD HEADPHONES (Do not listen through on board lap top speakers because it compresses the sound too much... if you have a good speaker set up than you can probably listen through those!). Adjust your screens brightness and enjoy! Tomorrow and each following day- Ill be releasing each BONUS SCENE, that we cut together with the extra footage from shooting the trailer!!! As far as the song in the trailer that ROZ AND THE RICE CAKES do. We are still in talks but their may be some kind of limited download for it. Its a version of the stunning track off the feature film Soundtrack... one where they completely reinvent their sound. Stay tuned! I wanna say just a few words. The journey of this project for me, has been life changing and there are people who were integral that Id like to give a big Shout out to. The generosity of JASON FRIEDMAN MENDEZ (OMEGA JAY SOUND INC.)- we would not be here if it wasnt for his talent as a Line Producer, his recommendation for Sound Mixers, his work in securing half our locations and Catering, the use of his equipment package, and him letting me stay at his place while I was in NYC. From the bottom of my heart, thank you my friend - you helped me make my dreams come true and that I will never be able to thank you enough for. MIND THE ART ENTERTAINMENT and its president and visionary- CHRISTIAN DE GRE. A few years ago- Christian came to me with a vision for a company; an artist refuge and collective that would be bringing important projects and work that were breaking the mold and setting precedents back to the forefront- at a time when the economy was just starting to collapse and NYC was nearly totally only supporting commercial work. He asked me to be a resident director, then a founding board member, and then the founder of the filmmaking Division.... After directing a play the La Mama Theater- he felt I should do another short film while I tried to get my footing with a feature screenplay I was trying to get produced... That short film then became something that he felt should be a feature.... and here we are. Without him, his support, and his mentoring me in Business, negotiating, and contract drafting- I would not be here. Thank you for helping me be the filmmaker I am today and believing in my projects, Christian. Our Investor. This man took a chance on us, still is, and opened the door. He gave us the key and said here. I trust you. Im with you. I believe in you. He funded this project and has continued to be a huge support in the recent forward movement of the feature. You helped save my life; thank you for honoring me with everything you have given. NAHUEL ATTAR. This person... has been more than a friend or support. Before any of this (the trailer, the successes, etc.)... there was me busing tables at a restaurant, writing a script on my off hours... he was with me from Day 1. He was a shoulder to lean on, a support when I felt weak, a voice that kept saying (You dont have time to be tired, or scared, or weary- GET UP AND WRITE. FIGHT FOR THIS.)... Him and the company he works with - HAYDEN 5 - are part of the reason why we got any interest in the first place, then support, then funding.... He then stepped on as a producer and took the trailer from concept to completion, alongside me. He offered me a place to stay... and when I was really really poor.... paid for me to eat. He helped get our LLC up. He edited this (his base and career is actually as a top notch editor). He hooked us up with more than half of our Post team... and got me top notch references for positions for the feature. More than all this, when things were tough - he gave me strength and faith. Thank you for being on this planet and in my life and a collaborator... and for being my brother. There would be no film it wasnt for you. I would like to give a shout to everyone who worked on this- especially EVE CUYEN (POST SOUND DESIGN) and ROZ RASKIN AND THE RICE CAKES (both- long time collaborators of mine) who were more than generous with everything they did on this project. Everything. They made it come alive. All the Artists who have worked on this- the cast, the crew, everyone- they faced adversity during this intense shoot- worked hard, problem solved- fast, and came out victorious. Lastly, I would like to Dedicate this (and the feature that is coming) to my friend and someone I looked up to like an older brother- RYO MURAKAMI... He was the original cinematographer slated for the feature... and a year ago he passed away. I almost didnt continue after that. But I quickly felt that he wouldnt have wanted that. I feel you with me all the time and will see you again some day. This is for you, old friend. This is our work- PARA LA PAZ (For Peace...) Teaser Trailer. We hope you enjoy it. https://vimeo/111251332
Posted on: Sat, 08 Nov 2014 18:43:45 +0000

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